3/24/16 Local 404 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Present: Stacey Mueller, Sheenah Paquin, Ryan Cates, Amanda Castle, Adam Castle, Luke Frederick, James Hemshrot, Matt Stenger, Kurt Crosby, Marvin Sullivan, Tony Otto, Antonino Guerero, Mike Hohenstein, Molly Kennedy, Tim Headlee, Connie Anderson, Chris Hanson

1.Secretary’s Report: Due to the Secretary not being present at the February meeting it is a condensed report: Internal Organizing/AFSCME Strong. And maintenance of membership drive Talked about sweatshirts Talked about union release time Talked about the upcoming treasurer election Talked about the BMS process and many opinions on that. Talked about Computers/process to file all documents currently held Followed up on the Retention Policy of documents

2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING February 2015 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 66165.73 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 5606.82 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 6135.55 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 65637.00 SUBMITTED BY: Connie Anderson Motion to approve subject to audit by Eric Hesse, 2nd by Molly Kennedy. Motion passed.

3. Correspondence: • State Employee Policy Committee (SEPC) will be on April 29th. The location is TBA. • Day On the Hill is April 5th. The deadline to sign up was March 23rd. There were roughly 16 people signed up. There are a few AFSCME members in the area outside of Local 404 who would like to ride on the 404 bus. Molly Kennedy stated that she would contact them. • AFSCME International Convention will be July 17th – 23rd in Las Vegas.

4. New Business: • Motion by Molly Kennedy to pay the members sitting ballot boxes for the Treasurer elections a half day of per diem. 2nd by James Hemshrot. Motion passed. • Luke Frederick made a motion to approve the MOU for 26 in 48 (changing the 24 in 48 rule) but to remove the language stating that it is the employee’s responsibility to tell the OD that they are on their 4th shift. 2nd by Ryan Cates. Motion passed. Kurt Crosby will be making an updated draft to send back to management. • Antonino Guerero is the new AFSCME 404 Treasurer. Please congragulate him! He will be training with Connie Anderson for approximately 6 months. • Molly Kennedy made a motion to have a Steward Meeting every 2 months instead of every 3. Further discussion to be had.

5. Old Business:

• There was a vote to purchase hooded AFSCME sweatshirts at February’s meeting. Members will have to express that they would like a sweatshirt to receive it. More information on this to come.

6. Items from the membership:

• Nothing to report

7. Officer Reports Presidents Report Tim Headlee:

VP-Matt Stenger: I have attended a lot of meetings for this month along with going up to the state capital for our locals push week. At the capital I was able to meet with Representative  Jack Considine, and Representative Clark Johnson. I tried to schedule a meeting with Representative Tony Cornish but he was all booked up for the week. At the capital we tried to find a republican to carry our budget proposal since they are in control of the house. We have reached out to Representative Matt Dean and hoping to hear something back from him very soon.

On Thursday March 23 we also met with the administration about the LPN’s going to full time. Management told us they are looking at going away from .8 job classification for LPN's and planned on only offer full time to new LPN's. They are going to start phasing out any .8's positions by offering full time in future bids so if you don't go full time your ability to move around will be limited. There was a lot of discussion about LPN's having every other weekend off with consecutive days off being a guarantee. Management said due to the staffing crisis that is currently going on they, in good faith couldn't agree to an Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) because of a lack of staffing to make this happen. The reason why they can't agree to it at this time is because it would cost the state more money in penalty pay for violating the contract if they would agree to it right now due to the current staffing issues. This is something we will continue to push for but will likely have to wait until we have enough staff to support that type of schedule.

VP- Molly Kennedy: We had MSOP joint meet and confer on March 10th with Moose Lake local 1092.  Some of the items discussed were the update on the new scheduling program, key sets put in the same order on the ring,  the OD cheat sheet for OT (which I will attach), media call structure and layer calls, list of open SC/SCL positions in AFSCME.  Please see www.union404.com for the details of these meeting minutes.  I also want to mention that the Spring Conference is coming up April 29th, if you are interested in going please contact me by April 14th if you have the day off and are interested in attending.  This will start at 8am and end between 4 and 5 pm.   We will be holding a steward training Tuesday April 26th the times will be 9am-4pm, you will need the day off to attend.  Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in attending this training the location is TBA.  Have a Happy Spring! Molly Kennedy

Executive Board: Stacey Mueller

Executive Board: Kurt Crosby

Executive Board: James Hemshrot

CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates

CS CBHH / CARE & MSOP: Luke Frederick


CS Nursing Home: Eric Hesse

CS MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Shannon Pech

CLU delegate report-

Council 5 Field Representative Chris Hanson: Council 5 is working on membership recommitment cards and we have 10k cards resigned out of the goal of 38,000 cards.  Local 404 has 207 cards signed out 724 members. A maintenance of membership card is a commitment to council 5 to gauge our strength as a union.  We are having lots of luck having members sign these cards.  It's basically just resigning the member card you have already signed,  no additional dues or costs to sign them.  I am currently looking for people to help me with this internal organizing drive we need to hold.   So if your interested in signing a new card or want to help the membership drive. Please reach out to either Molly Kennedy, Adam Castle or Chris Hanson.

We need to continue to find ways to motivate workers and build our union steward structure. We need to continue to build strength during this time.  We have many issues and things we can organize around.  Chris Hanson Field representative Afscme council 5 651-287-0557 651-238-7591 Motion to adjourn meeting at 11:34 pm by Luke Frederick, 2nd by Adam Castle. Motion passed.