Present: Connie Anderson, Matt Stenger, Molly Kennedy, Shannon Pech, Tim Headlee, Amanda Mathiowetz, Adam Castle, Luke Frederick, Mary Scovill, Stacey Mueller, James Hemshrot, Ryan Cates, Eric Hesse, Kurt Crosby, Kendra Benson, Randilee Dauk, Gus Graw, Sheenah Paquin
1. Secretary’s Report: Motion by James Hemshrot to approve Secretary’s meeting minutes from October, 2015. 2nd by Shannon Pech, motion passed.
2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING October 2015 Motion to accept subject to audit by James Hemshrot, 2nd by Molly Kennedy. Motion passed CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 56841.77 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 5683.76 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 22971.64 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 39553.89 SUBMITTED BY: Connie Anderson
3. Correspondence: • At the Executive Board meeting prior to General Membership, the E-Board discussed holiday donations. The E-Board suggests that Local 404 donate $200 to Sharing Tree, $200 to Toys for Tots, $200 to the Mankato Food Shelf, and $200 to the St. Peter Food Shelf. Motion was made by Connie Anderson to follow the recommendation, 2nd by Mary Scovill. Motion Passed. • There is a Safety Conference January 20th 10 am – 6 pm at the Mall of America Ramada hotel. There will be work shops about work actions and how we can mobilize. To go you must have the day off. Please email Amanda Mathiowetz if you want to go. • Local 404 Christmas Party: This will be after the December 17th General Membership Meeting at 4:30 pm at The Redman. The possibility of amping up gift cards and other prizes for the members who go to the Christmas Party was discussed in lieu of the turkeys that were given last year. This is because the message received by AFSCME was that the members did not like having to get their own turkeys, many vouchers were never redeemed, the local spent about $10,000 on this, and many complaints were received. The E-Board discussed spending up to (not necessarily meeting) $5000 on the Christmas Party. We would like to get planning and would like a committee to meet about this. Connie Anderson will be heading this committee. James Hemshrot, Tim Headlee, Matt Stenger, and Adam Castle volunteered to be on the committee as well. Please contact Connie Anderson if you would like to take part. This motion was made by Molly Kennedy, 2nd by Adam Castle, motion passed. • Six of the left over turkeys from last year were given to the Kitchen in St. Peter. They expressed their thanks to the membership. • Nominations for the 2016 election for Local 404 chair positions: Nominations will be at the December General Membership Meeting. The member nominated can be present to accept or not but must be available via phone to accept.
4. New Business: • Please see this month’s meeting minutes. • Mayo is now level 1 for Blue Cross Blue Shield and Preferred One. This means you will pay less out of pocket. You can switch clinics at anytime throughout the year.
5. Old Business:
6. Items from the membership:
• Stacey Mueller is working on a schedule idea for MSH that would work out well for everyone she feels. • For clarification 4 – 10’s on the NOCS shift are not being taken away as of right now. We will, however, most likely see something different in the next few years. We have asked for transparency from management, now we are getting it by being invited to the table to discuss scheduling instead of our members receiving a 28 day notice. AFSCME is receiving the information but not agreeing to it. This information has been shared with the members. Sometimes that will cause the information to get scewed, we attack eachother, panic is created. We do not want to discourage management from being transparent because they do not have to share anything with labor. As an E-Board we will work on getting in the information out in a better way and making sure everything is factual.
7. Officer Reports
Presidents Report:
VP- Matt Stenger: So far this month I have attended the following meetings OASH Abatement plan, Liaison Committee, MSOP meet and confer, Term 9 full group, MSH Safety Committee, CRP meeting , MSH meet and confer and BMS (Bureau of Mediation Services) communication sub-group. I feel we are moving in the right direction to help resolve some of the issues that have effect the vast majority of our membership but there still remains a lot of work to be done.
VP- Molly Kennedy: November report: We got confirmation that our new contract will take effect December 1st and that the back pay will be on our December 24th check. Our Holiday Party will be on the 17th at the Redmen Club at 4:30 we will have food and be giving away door prizes. We have been thinking of having a current steward get together where we go over all the things plus more that we went over in steward training also how we will be changing how we communicate things within our group. Please stay tuned for a date/time and location for this. Now to go over MSOP meet and confer business, at labor management we discussed our current policy on staff employment expectations (if you have not read this policy I would suggest you do) we spoke about the call-in procedure when you become incarcerated and how unrealistic it is. Management replied with we would need to see when the policy is up for review and speak with the chair of the committee to voice our concerns. We plan to do that! Other things discussed were how management was handling contacting a steward and the grievance procedure. We said that it appears that management has just been picking whatever steward they see on the steward list and have them sit investigations. We explained that some of the stewards on the list do not have the proper training yet and that we have 3 stewards in MSOP that they can contact as well as 2 in MSH to assign a steward. We also went over how we are conducting grievances with management. HR confirmed that once a step 1 or 2 is filed an email will be sent to the supervisor that will be hearing it and it is THEIR responsibility to get in contact with the steward. This practice isn’t currently being done. And lastly we brought up our concern with them running our units and different departments very short staffed. We gave them examples of how long some units have only had 1 staff for hours, while monitoring 20-30 clients. We expressed that is very dangerous and they didn’t seem to agree. We will be discussing what the next step will be within our membership. Please see for other topics discussed at MSOP Labor Management.
Molly Kennedy Vice President Steward Coordinator Local 404
Executive Board: Marvin Sullivan
Executive Board: Adam Castle
Executive Board: James Hemshrot
CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates
CS CBHH / CARE & MSOP: Eric Hesse In MSOP, I have yet to receive word on the six 3rd Step grievance I presented at the last Meet and Confer. I have filed a grievance regarding a written reprimand this month. I’m still continuing to work on the issue of staff safety and running the units short to cover posts that were eliminated.
In the Nursing Home, I did not meet with management this month due to having another meeting to attend and not being able to reschedule. I will meet next month with them and plan on bring up the topics of schedules and radios. I have filed a few grievances regarding improper inverses this month.
In Transition Services, I have yet to present the 3 grievances in regards to scheduling I have filed for this area but will have a chance next month.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.
In solidarity, Eric Hesse
CS Nursing Home: Luke Frederick CS MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Shannon Pech CLU delegate report- Council 5 Field Representative Chris Hanson:
Reports from C5 : contract goes into effect on December 1st. Back pay will be on December 24th. If people have separated from July 1st thru December 1st they need to contact human resources and they will be able to help with that.
Currently we are planning a safety conference on January 20th, 2016. In Bloomington. We will be discussing rights of workers, unions rights, and some strategies to help us maintain safety in our work sites. All members interested are invited. Please help spread the message as this is another way for people to get involved.
Chris Hanson Field representative AFSCME council 5 651-287-0557 651-238-7591
Motion to adjourn meeting by Matt Stenger at 5:51 pm, 2nd by James Hemshrot.