Matt Stenger, Molly Kennedy, Shannon Pech, Chuck Hottinger, Tim Headlee, Mary Scovill, Amanda Mathiowetz, Amy Weber, Alex Palmer, Luke Frederick, Stacey Mueller, Nicki Buechner, Ryan Cates, Mike Sutherland, Amanda Holom, Randilee Dauk, Kendra Benson
1. Secretary’s Report: Chuck Hottinger made a motion to correction for June’s meeting minutes. The vote for per diem/mileage pay did not happen at the meeting. It was decided via and E Board vote after the meeting. All in favor. Motion passed.
2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING June 2015 Motion to accept by Matt Stenger, 2nd by Luke Frederick. Motion passed CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 40406.02 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 5857.15 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 1158.59 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 45104.58 SUBMITTED BY: Connie Anderson
3. Correspondence: • There is a Negotiations Assembly scheduled for August 3rd. All delegate names have been submitted.
4. New Business: • OSHA came for a surprise visit today. The events of Monday, June 13th were termed serious. There was a senior investigator ordered to open up a new investigation. Tim Headlee, Chuck Hottinger, and Matt Stenger met with him earlier today. OSHA will be back in two weeks for interviews. The focus will be on the Unit 800 incident and the 2 incidents on Unit 300. Anyone involved with these incidents can be expecting a call. There will be no repercussions. They will request that you sign a form. There will be a union representative available to go with you if you prefer. OSHA seems to be very sympathetic to our cause. • To help with the training process (i.e. Steward Training, Contract Training, Investigation Training, and New Employee Orientation) a motion was made by Molly Kennedy to give the local the ability to bring back retired members as needed for trainings. It will be very important for updated training to be given on the new supplemental. Before a retired member comes back to do a training, which they will be paid for, it will be brought to General Membership to run by people. Motion 2nd by Matt Stenger, motion passed. • Jo Pels contacted Tim Headlee and said that there will be a meeting with DHS and Melissa this Monday and will continue every two weeks. This meeting’s purpose is an accountability piece for middle management. This is the product of many complaints about middle management not going with person centeredness. • Luke Frederick made a formal motion to cover per diem and mileage for the meeting at the capital (formally voted on by E Board but this has not been paid yet). 2nd by Matt Stenger, motion passed.
5. Old Business:
6. Items from the membership: • A member had the idea to have the union host a training on documentation, for example Observation Data Sheets, helping staff to word them appropriately instead of a generic statement. Also, how to word chart notes. We want to make sure we document things in a way that will benefit the members. It was discussed that this could not be a formal training. This could be incorporated into a different union sponsored training but not its own class. Luke Frederick proposed to comp a group of people for their time to create a curriculum to bring to the next General Membership Meeting. From there the union can decide if they want to form this into a standalone training. A motion was made that a group of up to 5 people get per diem for their time to create this curriculum. 2nd by Stacey Mueller, motion passed. Please contact Luke Frederick if interested.
7. Officer Reports
Presidents Report:
VP-Chuck Hottinger:
VP- Molly Kennedy: We had MSOP meet and confer on July 9th. Some of the items discussed were not being able to call in sick on each side of a vacation day due to you being on paid status, searching employees at the end of their shifts and on the way out of the facility, our position was that you are keeping people after their shifts and it should count as OT if kept later then your shift, we were given an update on our new scheduling program they said it would be ready early next year for roll out and we also spoke about the expanded sick leave policy implemented by MMB please see for the rest of the MSOP meeting minutes and a link to that policy. We will be attending Negotiation Assembly to get the details of what our upcoming contract may look like and after that process it will go out to the membership for a vote. We are planning another steward training coming up so if you are interested please e-mail me and I will get you on the list.
Executive Board: Luke Frederick
Executive Board: Adam Castle
Executive Board: James Hemshrot
CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates
CS CBHH / CARE & MSOP: Matt Stenger
CS Nursing Home: Eric Hesse
It’s been a busy month so far, especially with all the attention staff safety has been receiving as of late. We are committed to improving the conditions that our members have to work in on a day in and day out basis. Staff should not have to work in these unsafe conditions and it’s time we step up and make our voices heard. Our tour with the Governor’s Chief of Staff and several legislators and policy makers was I believe a success. Several staff that were working had the opportunity to voice their concerns and we hit all the main points on what we need to improve the safety of not only us, but also the people we serve. We hit on the policies that are in place that restrict us from being proactive and take these threats from people seriously. We also hit on the tools we no longer have that would make a huge difference in our working conditions, mainly mobile restraints. Hopefully time will tell and something will bear fruit out of this. As for the Nursing Home and Transition, I have file a few grievances recently regarding suspensions, improper inversing, and a class action that would allow people to mutual into an overnight shift, which they have been denying. I also had our monthly meeting with Nursing Home management and HR and touched on the following: radio usage and the possibility of getting a different channel or separate radios for staff to use, management meeting with staff in closets and forcing them to have a mediated session with another employee, the on-going issues with roll call and some getting marked as late and other’s not, and concerns about RN’s resetting call lights and not answering them. As always, if anybody has any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me. In solidarity, Eric Hesse
CS MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Shannon Pech CLU delegate report- Council 5 Field Representative Scott Grefe:
Motion to adjourn meeting by Molly Kennedy at 4:21pm, 2nd by James Hemshrot.