Chuck Hottinger, Marvin Sullivan, Eric Hesse, Ryan Cates, Luke Frederick, Adam Castle, Amanda Mathiowetz, Stacey Mueller, Matt Stenger, James Hemshrot, Mike Homer, Shannon Pech, Karla Herzberg, Brian Schilla, Connie Anderson, Kathleen Luskey, Jean Sandland, Katie Endresen, Alison Hughes, Amanda Hollom, Kendra Benson, Mary Wolfe, Megan Geisler, Pat Vandenberg, Myrna Gag, Pam Enter, Elena Shevtsov, Elizabeth Nixon, Deb Burger, Rebecca Basballe, Tammy Rausch, Mark Fischer, Mike Frey, Meta Millhone, Dawn Draeger, Kelly Woelporn, Paul Schwichtenburg, Mark Heilman, Shawn Kennedy, John Mienack, Sarah Bateman
1. Secretary’s Report:
No changes to be made on November’s General Membership Minutes. Motion to accept by Molly Kennedy, 2nd by Eric Hesse, motion passed.
2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson:
Motion to accept by Molly Kennedy, 2nd by Luke Frederick, motion passed.
SUBMITTED BY: Connie Anderson
3. Correspondence:
- Due to the holiday party this meeting was short. The following people won either $20 Chamber Bucks or $20 gift certificate to Kwik Trip:
Jean Sandland
Connie Anderson
Katie Endresen
Alison Hughes
James Hemshrot
Deb Burger
Myrna Gag
Mary Wolfe
Tammy Rausch
Karla H
Elizabeth Nixon
Adam Castle
Mindy Ridout
Molly Kennedy
Ty Wilking
Shannon Pech
Kendra Benson
Ryan Cates
Amanda Mathiowetz
4. New Business:
- Motion by Molly Kennedy to cover usual expenses for Contract Training December 19th, 2014 and January’s date that is to be determined held at The Redman, 2nd by James Hemshrot, motion passed.
- Eric Hesse is the new Chief Steward for Transition
5. Old Business:
6. Items from the membership:
- There is frustration over information only being shared over the SharePoint site. Some people are not getting the information. To help improve this, there is an option to have alerts sent to your inbox. You can find it in the upper right hand corner of the site.
7. Officer Reports
Presidents Report:
Hello Local 404 members,
In review and in regards to 2014, I ‘d like provide a brief overview of the hard work, dedication and representation the Local 404 E-board has provided including the support received from 404 members while advocating in the best interest of AFSCME Local 404.
MSOP: *Major program expansion, construction & staff assignments, *CERP for GRW/GMW’s, *New scheduling software, *Ensuring proper & extra vacation availability, * Mutual to doubles, *Creating procedure when IOD, *Expression of interest bids, *Approved sick leave, *NOC shift gain another vacation slot, *Process of reviewing supervisory & personal files, *New uniforms & vendor, *Staff training, *Scheduling issues, *Lead leveling, *Staff breaks, *Physical requirements for new hire, *Staff radios. *MSOP SC/SCL addendums/ review, *Camera placement, *Staff opinions and how they are valued, *MSOP combined charities $10,000, *Safety & security including *Workplace relations and Work environment etc.
CARE/CBHH: *Cameras & monitors, *Man down buttons/radios, *Staff training (personal safety tech, metal detection & personal searches), *Zero tolerance for violence, * Clinical groups, * Therapeutic interventions (sessions & scenarios), *Staff & Pt ratios, *Additional lighting in Courtyards, *Weekly safety checks, * Advanced EASE training, *Hiring/Vacancies/pause, *Scheduling issues, *EAP for staff, *Violence prevention meetings, * Agency LPN’s, *Parking during Pt outings, *Implementation of No Smoking facility, *Pt elopement, *Debriefing after incident, *Safety & security including * Workplace relations and Work environment etc.
MSH/CRP: *Bonding approved for new construction, *Pt Death, *Licensing & investigations,*PCT & coaches training, *ITP & Ancillary meetings, *Unit observations, *Terms & conditions, *OSI training, *MNOSHA tour,* NASHBID review & feedback, *START program, *Cameras & monitors, *EMAR/Omni cell, *Admissions & crisis unit, *OSI town hall meeting, *Break room for nursing, *Vocational safety & security, *Process for short notice & shift in progress vacation, * Formatted OT list for trades, * Confidentiality (EAP, common entry & investigations), *Lead leveling, *Safety & security equipment review, *MSH to CRP overtime training,*YAAP to CRP unit reassignment, *CRP 6-2 scheduling, *New scheduling department, *Hiring/Vacancies/pause, * Vocational schedule changes, *Spending pause, *OSHA citation, *DHS Abatement Plan/mediation, *IOD improvements, *Safety & security including *Workplace relations and Work environment etc.
FNH/Trans: *Scheduling issues, * Forensic Consultant status (utilization of employees), *FNH 6-2 scheduling, *Hiring/Vacancies/pause,* Agency LPN’s, *Safety & security including * Workplace relations and Work environment etc.
404 Membership: *2014 informational picket, *OSI Town Hall meeting, *Day on the Hill, *Clark Johnson Tour, *Bloom fundraiser, *Holiday turkeys, *404 Xmas party, *AFSCME Council 5 convention, *Facility wide ICS drill, *Steward training, *Contract training, *Steward and General Membership meetings, *$200 a piece to 5 charities to include ECHO food shelf, *Contract Proposals, *2015 – 2017 contract negotiations,* 5 For the Fight Resolution,* Labor 2014 Days of Action,* Guest speaker Jack Considine,* International Convention,* Caring bridge Kurth college fund,* Kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church, *Mankato Area Mountain Bikers,* SEPC Spring Conference,* Financial Responsibility Training, *Collin Luitjens fundraiser,* $500 to The Redmen Club, *OSHA Compliance Seminar,* Lobby Week,*
I send special thanks and praise to AFSCME Local 404 (family & friends) old & new and for those we’ve lost, Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! I look forward to working with all of you in 2015. “WHO does the WORK? ...We do!!!”
In solidarity,
Headlee Tim – AFSCME Local 404 President
VP- Chuck Hottinger
18 December 2014
December report
In late November we completed the OSHA Citation Mediation and the agreement was signed for the union today. The Conditional License Term 9 effort is still underway.
The Term 9 work group has completed a draft report for Licensing to recommend a replacement or modification to Rule 36. The final draft will be presented in early January. There were several legislative issues identified that are not part of the original intent of the work group that address criminal and volitional patient behaviors that will have be addressed through different venues.
The OSHA Mediation Abatement Agreement will be put out by management immediately following the official acceptable of all parties involved. The wording of the agreement does not list specific actions planned for each item so it may appear less that what it actually is. Please address any questions to Tim or me.
Tim and I are both members of the Forensic Division Safety Committee which is working on a new Charter for the committee which address the responsibilities and authority of the committee. In the past the committee functioned in a manner that identified problems and made recommendations. The new charter will create a more effective and empowered committee to address staff safety.
I am a member of the Direct Care and Treatment (former SOS) Restraint and Seclusion Committee based out of St Paul. Oddly enough, the committee membership is primarily Safety Managers and Safety Administrators and is more involved in addressing staff safety than the actual Restraint and Seclusion process and policies. The goal of the committee is to reducing restraint and seclusion rates with the primary method of reducing the need for the interventions as the need will never be eliminated. The committee has addressed environment of care and data collection this fall and will be selecting priority projects at the next meeting. The committee may be the driver to incorporate the Forensic Division changes into the rest of DCT.
There have been 93 reportable staff injuries in 2014 as of the end of November. There were 82 in 2014, 90 in 2012, and 65 in 2011 with the all-time record of 96 in 2010. The Term 9, the OSHA Complaint, and the Safety Committee projects are all to address this issue as this year will in all probability will be a record setting year for the number of SOFS St Peter employees injured in the course of their duties.
There have been numerous meetings during the month with Labor Management meetings for CARE (CD Treatment), the Community Behavioral Health Hospitals, Competency Restoration Program, Forensic Nursing Home, MSOP (see Molly’s report), and Facilities Support. The St Peter CARE facility has been the site of a tour by the Local Union Leadership team and a hot topic on the Labor Management Agendas. Eric has been reassigned as the Chief Steward (in addition to FNH) for the Transition Program on campus as it has been more problematic as of late with enforcing contact provisions.
We will be offering a Contract Class in January in time for the Negotiations delegates to attend. This class is designed for stewards but would be of value to anyone who has an interest in correctly interpreting the AFSCME Contract provisions or understanding the negotiation process.
We will be starting Master Contract negotiations on the 30th of January – if you have an AFSCME shirt or lanyard - this winter will be the time to show the colors. Local 404 has the highest membership rate of the DHS AFSCME locals (98% and climbing) and negotiation time is the time to remind management of that fact.
In solidarity,
Chuck Hottinger – VP Admin
VP- Molly Kennedy:
At MSOP meet and confer we spoke about how the staff names are not redacted when a client requests to see incident reports. We stressed that this would be especially important in programs like CPS since they go on outings on a 1:1 ratio with the staff that work there. Management said that legal will be looking into this and get back to us with an answer soon. We also spoke about the amount of inverses that are occurring from 1st watch to 2nd watch. We discussed some possible solutions as far as scheduling is concerned but I would like to address something we could do for each other as AFSCME members. There is an inverse call list in the control center, please remind your coworkers of that when you see them get inversed, also call the OD and ask if anyone signed up for OT known in advance for that day, those people will be more likely to come in. Please know if you are inversed you can find someone to take it for you. Lastly please see the MSOP homepage announcements on how vacations will be granted starting January 1st, 2015.
Now I will talk turkeys. We have almost handed out all the turkey vouchers for local 404. If you have not received a voucher yet please email Ryan Cates with where you work so that someone can get one to you. We will be doing another steward training or advanced steward training in the next month or so, please send me your name, and what class you would prefer to take if you are interested in attending one of these classes. Thanks and have a great Holiday!
Molly Kennedy
Executive Board: Luke Frederick
Executive Board: Adam Castle
Executive Board: James Hemshrot
CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates
CS CBHH / CARE & MSOP: Matt Stenger
CS Nursing Home & Transition: Eric Hesse
On December 11th, we met with Nursing Home management and HR and discussed the following topics:
1) We discussed moving up to 3 vacation spots per day as promised when the new scheduling pattern was put in place. All vacancies have not been filled and the 3 vacation spots were when they were fully staffed. Once fully staffed, the third spot will start to be given out.
2) Discussed additional shifts being handed out not by seniority as per contract. There will be a sign-up sheet being implemented soon where everyone will get an opportunity to sign up for additional shifts (not overtime) for the pay period and management will discuss with staff once everything is in order.
3) We talked about mutuals and how they are not being looked at or approved in an appropriate time frame. Management will look into this and discuss if they can place this task on another RN, not the charge RN due to them possibly being too busy to look at them.
4) Discussed possibly having restraints on site at the Nursing Home for the A-Team from MSH to use if there is an incident. Management was resistant, but we discussed the possibility of having a grab bag of restraints in MSH Master Control that the A-Team can grab on their way over to the Nursing Home.
During the past month, we won a grievance to bring someone back from a discharge. I have filed a few grievances over overtime and a temporary employee going into a permanent position. I also have grievances in for a non-certification of an employee and a one-day suspension. I have initiated a meeting with FNH management and HR every month.
On December 18th, I officially took over being the chief steward of Transition Services, so I look forward to helping those in that area. I encourage everyone from both areas (Transition and Nursing Home) to contact me if they have any questions or concerns.
In solidarity,
CS MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Shannon Pech
Motion to adjourn by Molly Kennedy at 4:45 pm, 2nd by Matt Stenger