Connie Anderson, Shannon Pech, Molly Kennedy, Adam Castle, Amanda Mathiowetz, Brett Christensen, Matt Stenger, James Hemshrot, Mike Homer, Mary Skovall, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Gary Tollefson, Eric Hesse, Shawn Kennedy, Ryan Cates, Ann Sullivan
Call to order at 3:09 PM Officer Introduction
1. Secretaries Report: December 2013 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by Chuck Carlson, seconded by Molly Kennedy, approved 2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING December 2013 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 56188.41 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 5686.47 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 5991.71 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 55883.17 SUBMITTED BY: _______CONNIE ANDERSON_____ Accepted subject to audit motion by Chuck Carlson, seconded by John Knobbe, approved
3. New Business/Correspondence Review
a). 2013 OSHA log available b.) Received a report of Overtime hours and they are down
4. Old Business: a) Lobby at the Capital February 25th – 28th. Let Chuck Carlson know if you are interested. So far no interest has been expressed from the membership b) SEPC Spring Conference is April 11, 2014 c) T shirt order d) Chuck Carlson mentioned a motion to get 250 lanyards, seconded by James Hemshrot, moved by John Knobbe, approved
5. New Business * See January’s Meet & Confer minutes
6. Items from the membership- N/A
7. Officer Reports
Presidents Report: a) FD M&C - Minutes will be posted- Any questions, please see Chuck Carlson or John Knobbe b) CBHH/CARE Meeting – The Forensics Safety and OT figures never said how many people were injured. Management is also looking for any feedback on the town hall meeting. I am still waiting to see the report for the Nursing Home being conducted by consultants. Issues with short notice and shift in progress were brought up to management. Supervisors should have been filled in on the process better and there should have been better communication. 17 people have volunteered for CRP OT training. Management has agreed that people can fill in. Part time status and the issues of holiday pay is an on-going issue. Our goal is to have it that these people can choose to comp or take holiday hours in pay. c) MSOP Meet & Confer – d) Scheduling Meetings e) Contract Training
VP-John Knobbe: I have had a couple of 3rd step grievances. 1 of the 3 grievances was over seniority. A staff was promoted to Security Counselor but was not able to start with the appropriate class due to the need for HSS staff. By being held back, this staff was going to be forced to loose seniority. I got this over turned. I am trying to get one master list of seniority. There are 2 extra vacation spots on nights starting Jan 29th and the starting request date was put out as Jan 15th. Management failed to notice that this schedule would be out by then. They will still honor the two extra spots for the 29th. I have been in a lot of meetings this month. Nights are now being covered better and staff are not getting inversed as much. We are at about a quarter of the overtime we were at a year ago. The issue of holiday language being the same with all programs is coming to a head. I am trying to get the nursing home to put something in writing and to set up a rule.
VP- Molly Kennedy “ This last month was very busy. We presented 6 step 3 grievances in MSOP and had MSOP Meet and Confer on January 9th. Some of the items discussed were the addition of a vacation spot for 2nd and 3rd watch with the creation of the new units in Shantz and we received notification that there would be a group supervisor and 2 lead spots opening up. Management said they have heard some complaints from the membership that no leads have the ability to work a 6/2 rotation so management said they were making the 2 lead spots in Shantz a 6/2 rotation. They assured us that they are not interested in making the existing lead spots a 6/2 rotation just the new positions. We also spoke about using clients in escape drills and not letting the staff involved know that it is a drill. Senior Management said that those drills would need to go directly through them to be approved but in some circumstances they would exercise their right to have clients participate in ICS drills. There were more items we spoke about at this meeting and you can find them under meeting minutes on I was recently nominated to be on the executive board of the Department of Human Resources (DHS) Policy Committee. I attended my first meeting on January 13th and we spoke about the CBHH and CARE programs and how they are changing all of the policies. They are just sending e-mails about the changes to the employees and having no hands on training. Also, the number of patient on staff assaults have increased and the policy committee is looking at staffing patterns and how having more staff there at certain times could remedy this issue. Specific folks have been tasked to gather this information throughout the sites statewide and share the information with the DHS Policy Committee by the time of our next meeting on April 14th. Lastly, we had a contract training that the following people attended; Mary Wolfe, Luke Frederick, Jose Rentas, Eric Hesse, Tom Kluntz and Lori Stueber. We went through navigating the contract then gave them scenarios that we deal with in our worksites and asked them to find a way to remedy these situations with contract language. Everyone did an excellent job! So if you have a question please seek these folks out they would love to help you as a member of local 404, find it in the contract? I’m trying to put together another Steward Training so anyone interested please shoot me an e-mail. Thanks, Molly Kennedy Vice President Steward Coordinator Local 404
CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates N/A
CS- CBHH/CARE: Matt Stenger There was no CBHH/CARE meeting this month.
CS – Facilities and Forensic Nursing Home: Eric Hesse
CS – MSOP: Mike Homer I am currently waiting on the finalized report for the nursing home.
CS - NOCS: Shannon Pech CRP has had a lot of talk about how holidays are handled and paid out. No grievances for the month.
EB- Luke Frederick. N/A
EB- Adam Castle. There will be an updated 2014 calendar posted on the website. =
EB – James Hemshrot I received an email today concerning retirement with the transition and nursing home programs. It is very important to do incident reports on every client interaction so this will show up in data and reinforce the need for 55 retirement. =
CLU delegate report- “ N/A
Council 5 Field Representative .N/A
9. Election Committee Report Tim Headlee won the election for President and Jean Sandland won the election for 1 year Trustee.
Meeting adjourned at 3:52 PM