7/18/13 Local 404 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Present: Andrew Jones, Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, Chuck Carlson, Connie Anderson, Adam Castle, Jeremy Tubbs, Mary Scovill, James Hemshrot, and Eric Hesse

I. Call to order 3:08pm II.

Introduction of Officers III. Secretary Jones - Approval of minutes from last meeting – Motion by Castle and seconded by Tubbs

2. Correspondence a) Council 5 Negotiations Committee Meeting – July 26 b) Council 5 Budget Pamphlet c) Woman’s Retreat September 20-22 in Denver d) C5 Per Capital Report

3. Local 404 New Business a) Contract Vote August 9th at the Redman Club in St. Peter 7am-5pm – Motion by Knobbe to pay per diems for 4 people to take shifts sitting the voting booth throughout the day, in addition, offer a soda to all members who come and vote. Seconded by Kennedy then carried. b) Steward training is scheduled for August 21, 8am-4pm – Let Molly know if interested.

4. Officer reports A) Presidents report 1) Weekly scheduling meetings

5. Forensic Division Labor Management Meeting –July 18th – please see minutes, and if any questions contact Chuck or John

6. Facilities Support Kitchen scheduling issues 4) CBHH Labor Management Meeting in Rochester 5) MSOP Labor Management Meeting – July 11th – please see minutes, and if any questions contact Molly or Matt. 6) CARE meetings with staff 

7. Vice President Knobbe – Many meetings with Management about scheduling at MSH, and now have a meeting on Thursday with the scheduling office. We have pushed for relief from the mandates for overtime. The recommendation is for CERP covered staff in AFSCME who do not work residential be able to pick up OT shifts followed by CERP covered MAPE staff. This of course is after it has been offered to SC/SCL’s first. This would be to help with 1:1’s and constant observations. Contract vote will be August 9th at the Redman Club from 7am-5pm. In Solidarity, John Knobbe

8.  Vice President/Steward Coordinator Kennedy

9. Treasurer Anderson STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING: June 2013 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 49214.09 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 2.28 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 3638.24 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 45578.13 SUBMITTED BY: Connie Anderson Accepted subject to audit motion by: Jones and seconded by Tubbs

E) Chief Steward Tubbs

H) Chief Steward Stenger – Been having many meeting with CARE staff. They have a new administration, and a lot of issues have come up.

10. Chief Steward Pech – Worried that management may be messing with employee’s schedules. Possibly targeting employees who have filed grievances.

J) Chief Steward Cates

J) Executive Board – Hemshrot

 K) Executive Board – Castle – Been answering many questions pertaining to the contract negotiations. Informing people about the 3%, and insurance changes.

L) Executive Board – Sullivan

VII. Items from the Membership

VIII. CLU delegate Report

IX. Social Committee/Good and Welfare

X. Council 5 Field Representative

XI. Motion to Adjourn – 4:25pm