1. Secretaries Report: May 2013 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by: Minutes not posted
2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING May 2013 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 52520.15 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 5478.96 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 8785.02 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 49214.09 SUBMITTED BY: _______CONNIE ANDERSON_____ Accepted subject to audit motion by: John Knobbe and seconded by Ann Sullivan
3, Correspondence Review a). There was no Council 5 Presidents meeting for May
4. New Business: a) Authorization for Organizing Per Diem for time spent at CARE site. John Knobbe made motion to pay expenses/per diems for stewards and officers involved in continued talks at CARE. Dan Becker seconded then passed. B Motion by Andy Jones to purchase a new union computer as the current one is very out dated and slow. Jones asked for a spending limit of $750 to purchase new computer. Seconded by John Knobbe then carried. c)
5. Old Business:
6. Items from the membership:
7. Officer Reports
Presidents Report: 47 Security Counselor vacancies will be posted soon at MSH. 7 on Nights. 30 FT positions. An old Mou pertaining to Temporary unclassified employees has been blown up. No longer a need for it. Please refer to MSH minutes for more info. Had meeting at CBHH also. They will start training staff on new EASE training soon. Asked to remind the local of all new hires. Overtime and inverse number were very low at this time, but both Rochester and St. Peter facilities are near capacity.
VP-John Knobbe: “It has been a very busy month. Survey conducted at MSH about the implementation of a designated response team has been completed. Survey determined staff is split pretty evenly on this. As for now the utility pool is going to respond to incidents with A-Team. Those in Forensics, please pay attention to the SOFS SharePoint site. Positions taken in the reassignment, current leads, description of the Utility Pool, etc. can be found on the site. Master push week is next week to attempt to finalize our contract. We also have multiple grievances in process, but movement on them looks positive. Please pay attention to master negotiations. We will be needing action over wages and insurance. More info is on the Council 5 website. In Solidarity
VP - Molly Kennedy – Come mid-July employees will be able to bid from home or where ever. Bids will be on the internet. Look for a posting on the SharePoint site announcing this Check MSOP minutes and contact Molly or Jeremy with any question.
CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates – A couple grievances filed on vacation requests being denied when nobody from working unit has vacation on calendar. One 3rd step filed as well.
CS - CBHH/CARE: Matt Stenger – One 3rd step grievance filed. CARE is going back to rotating schedules, with not much support from administration. There have been many staff meetings lately. CS – Facilities and Forensic Nursing Home: Jeremy Tubbs CS – MSOP: Jeremy Tubbs
CS – NOCS: Shannon Pech – Inversing and Overtime is out of control. Many staff is upset.
EB - Anne Sullivan EB - Adam Castle CLU delegate report Council 5 Field Representative Scott Grefe: Contract negotiations took place June 5th and June 17th. Our supplemental will not be opened this year. Labor came into negotiations willing to work with the employer on changing supplemental language. Employer held the meeting hostage while attempting to pick apart local 404 sup. All locals throughout SOS stuck together as a team and in solidarity closed supplemental negotiations to stop the attack on 404. Push week is next week for Master contract. Proposal by employer is to have employees pay a portion of health insurance premiums for singles, and family coverage. Talk to members about this. Strike vote possibilities? Call the governor office. Call your legislature. They can find info on the Council 5 website as well.
Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm