Present: Adam Castle, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Jill Gorman, Mark Menke, Lynn Whipple, Kelly Woelpern, Brian Wells, Marlowe Grau, Sam Arneson, Scott Grefe, Rita Loeffler, Matt Stenger, Connie Anderson, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, John Collins, Michelle Rodning, Dan Dvorak
Greet Membership
1.Secretaries Report: Sept 2011 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review byJill Gorman second by Matt Stenger then carried. Correspondence Review a) State Contract Training Nov 18th C5- anyone interested see Molly Kennedy b) Council 5 Executive Board minutes – August 2011 c) Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship – Applications due by April 2012 d) September 2011 Local Per Capita and PEOPLE Report
2.Presidents Report: a)FD M&C - Minutes will be posted- Any questions, please see Chuck Carlson or John Knobbe b) CBHH Meeting –upcoming c)Forensic Division Joint Labor Management- d) MSOP Meet & Confer – Any questions please see Molly Kennedy
3. Old Business: a) Fall Convention – 17 delegates attended Fall convention in Duluth. b) State shut down grievances
4. New Business: a) Executive Board Vacancy b) Chief Steward Vacancy • Anyone interested in filling these vacancies until election, please see Chuck Carlson
5. Items from the membership: • Gus Grau asked about the dress code policy that will be affecting CARE and CBHH. Scott Grefe stated that there is a statewide meeting tomorrow where this will be discussed. AFSCME will be putting together an ad-hoc committee to address this issue. • Mark Menkeraised several questions about lead leveling. Chuck asked that any issues or questions be emailed to him as he will be having a meeting with management regarding this process. Social Committee: • Michelle Rodning has looked into pocket sized calendars noting meeting dates etc. The calendars will run between $3-$5 each but this does not include plastic sleeves/covers. Discussion at length about printing our own calanders,dollar store calendars, and purchasing plastic covers from The Union House. Michelle will do further research and get back to the membership at next months’ meeting. • AFSCME will be volunteering at The Kitchen on Monday November 28, 2011. Those interested in helping or having any questions can contact Jill Gatzke on Bartlett 2N.
Officers Reports:
VP-John Knobbe:“In the last month we’ve had MSOP Meet and Confer and I attended SEPC Ex Board review of state wide grievance over cancelled vacation and leave. The resolution will be posted so effective staff will get OT for hours forced over shutdown; or time without pay will be allowed to take the vacation now. Payout should be by Thanksgiving. We’ve met twice over MSOP staffing- Molly has more info. I’ve met with our new administrator and he heard his first 3rd steps today after meet and confer. This was different than the process has ever gone for us and I am anxious to hear the responses. Finally, Thanks for sending me to convention. It was fun and informative. In Solidarity, W. John Knobbe
VP- Molly Kennedy:“The month of October has been very busy with the meetings of the MSOP schedule change. We met with management in St. Paul to discuss various scheduling patterns. It was decided that we would do a 60% 6-2 rotation with a 40% 5-2 rotation. The reassignment will take place Oct 18th where AFSCME will be present all day, and this will get implemented Jan 4th. Convention was very educational. I attended a retirement seminar and right to collective bargaining. I will take the information that I received from those classes and share what I know with the membership. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend. Steward Training will be held October 19th & 20th. We have two attending. 8There will be another steward training offered in St. Paul Dec. 13th and 14th. Please contact me if you are interested. There is also a Contract Language training in St. Paul Friday Nov. 18th. Again please contact me if you want to attend this training. This last month AFSCME presented a class action grievance for members that were deemed critical to work during the shutdown and were denied use of their preapproved vacation time. If you were one of those people please contact your HR dept and let them know you need to fill out paperwork to receive time and a half for those hours worked that you were supposed to be on vacation. If your HR Does not know, please e-mail me because I have the paperwork. In Solidarity, Molly Kennedy”
Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDINGSept, 2011 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH:$ 40380.31 INCOME FOR THE MONTH:$ 20594.61 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH:$ 5793.96 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH:$ 55180.96 SUBMITTED BY: _______CONNIE ANDERSON_____ on ___, 2011__ Accepted subject to audit motion by John Knobbe second by Brian Wells then carried.
CS MSH/Transition: John Collins:“We have had two Meet & Confers now with our new CEO Dave Proffitt and they have been encouraging and refreshing in the ways that they have been different from Meet & Confers prior to Dave’s arrival. We continue to be hopeful that further positive change will continue to occur with a healthy labor-management relationship driving it. Heads-up to be aware that many rumors are making the rounds again at this time. Rumors tend to create undue anxiety and seldom have any merit to them. When someone approaches you with one, ask them for the source and weigh the credibility before spreading it on or asking Union leadership if it has any validity. The monthly Meet & Confers are the place where we go for open communication with management and most news would be shared with us at that time and then shared with the membership via general membership meetings or through members reading the meeting minutes.”
CS-AMH/CARE: Kevin Graves:“Nothing to report CARE and CBHH M&C’s coming up.”
CS – Facilities and Forensic Nursing Home: Jill Gorman: “There have been 3 laid off in our HR dept which leaves us 2 directors. More hires for the Nursing Home.”
CS – MSOP: Matt Stenger:“Currently in MSOP we have 1 step 3 and a possible step 1 we are working on. Have answered a lot of questions about the 6-2 rotation that is going to be rebid of MSOP on Tuesday October 18. If anyone has anymore questions please ask either Molly or myself.” EB-Anne Mehltretter:“I sat an investigation for sleeping on duty, no word back yet.”
EB- Eric Ridout:Nothing new to report.
Good and Welfare:Jesse Miller, Jake Cottew, Matt Uecker, Tom Eustice, Mike Keech, Ashley Kisor, Mark Tietz, Joel Frey, Trent Pool, Marvin Vega, RoarkeEngelhardt, Eric Hesse, Dave Vetter, Jessica Labs
CLU delegate report- nothing new to report Council 5 Field Representative Scott Grefe- Fall convention offered many great workshops that focused around rights; civil rights, worker rights, human rights and the right to marry to name a few. The main point being that the middle class working people have rights! We need to start pulling together to fight the attack on the middle class.
Message to Members: “We are one.”
Door Prizes: Rita Loeffler and Lynn Whipple
Progressive Drawing- Dec 2011 Meeting adjourned at 5:45pm