5/12/11 Local 404 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Present: Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Kevin Graves, Connie Anderson, Matt Stenger, Jeremy Tubbs, Jill Gorman, Charles Johnson, W. John Knobbe, Lynn Whipple, Brian Wells, Molly Kennedy, Adam Castle, Lisa Spurr, Annie Thelen, Shannon Pech, John Collins

1.Secretaries Report: April 2011 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by John Knobbe, second by Molly Kennedy then carried.
Correspondence Review (See File)
A) Next Wave Dialogue meeting – 1 member 35(ish) or younger Saturday June 11 – RSVP to Chuck Carlson by June 3 if you are interested and able to attend. John Knobbe made a motion to pay mileage and per diem. Second by Connie Anderson then carried. The delegate attending this meeting will be expected to report back.
B) Legislative Lobbying Schedule-May 16-20. Contact Chuck Carlson or John Collins if interested in going.
C) March First Report of Injury Report
D) April Per Cap and PEOPLE Report
E) Request for Treasurers Affidavit 2010 and Projected Expenditures 2011- Connie Anderson has filled this out and sent it in.
F) Cherry Creek Days Parade in Cleveland- no interest
G) 4th of July Parade- Molly Kennedy will talk with Michelle Rodning about this and we will further discuss at the June General Membership meeting. Molly made a motion to pay for parade registration up to $100 (due by June 1st). Second by Connie Anderson then carried.
H) Next Wave International Conference in Atlanta, Georgia- July 8,9,10. Delegates will be nominated and elected at the June GM meeting. Anyone interested must have this time off.
2.Presidents Report:
A. FD M&C - Minutes will be posted- Any questions, please see Chuck Carlson or John Knobbe
B. CBHH Meeting - Minutes will be posted- Any questions, please see Chuck Carlson or Kevin Graves
C. Forensic Division Joint Labor Management May 5th
D. MSOP Meet & Confer – April 19th
E. Presidents Meeting
F. Meeting with SPRTC radiology department regarding concerns for staff when holding patients. This may be a Statewide Safety Committee concern- John Hillyard will be contacted. MSH Safety Committee will also be contacted and this will be brought up at both MSH and MSOP Meet and Confers.
G. State Employee Policy Committee Conference
3. Old Business:
1. May Steward Training
2. MSOP Quarterly Meet and Confer expenses.
3. 9thLobby Week May 16-20- Members are urged to go! Please contact Chuck or John Collins if interested in going.

4.New Business
a) May 23 Last day of session- “The Last Supper” BBQ. Connie Anderson made a motion that we take a bus to this and pay 1 day of per diem for those attending. Second by Adam Castle then carried. Connie and Lynn Whipple will collaborate with DOC on the bus.
b) Possible state shutdown July 1st- a sign-up sheet was passed around for members to get email information about this. Expenses for involvement in this will be addressed at the June General Membership meeting.
c) A motion was made by John Knobbe that postings due to the moving of units/re-organization of MSH be held until supervisors/unit directors are named. Second by John Collins then discussion. Vote carried.
d) Centennial Celebration- John Knobbe made a motion to join the other labor management organizations in paying for this celebration. In the event that the other unions decline- AFSCME will pay for this food up to $800. A banner will be posted so that people are aware of this backing. Second by Jeremy Tubbs then discussed. John Collins disagrees with funding this and would like to wait for further information regarding the stance of the other unions and e-board at that time. Jeremy Tubbs feels that this would be a good thing to do for our members- John Collins argued that there are even better things that we could do for our members. Chuck Carlson agreed to table this decision for future e-board decision. Membership voted- all in favor, John Collins against.
5.Items from the membership- none
Social Committee – 4th of July parade will be discussed at the June General Membership meeting.
Officers Reports:
VP-John Knobbe: “Last month’s 3rd step on OT was granted. In the last month I attended the funeral of a co-worker’s husband and left a card from the local, attended MSOP M&C & CARE, 3 meetings of the MSH Centennial Committee, sat an investigation @ CARE, The SEPC e-board meeting & the SEPC Spring Conference, Joint labor management, new employee union orientation, The Council 5 President’s meeting with Chuck & the first 2 passes with the state for this year’s contract negotiations.
I also took my 18 yr. old to the Town Hall meeting with District 24A’s Tea Party endorsed legislator…my headache eased 36 hours later.
VP- Molly Kennedy: “I attended a women’s leadership conference at the end of April. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go. I went to a workplace bullying conference that was very interesting. The council is providing more workshops on this- please e-mail me if you are interested in attending.
This month at joint labor management we will be discussing trying to get a Schedule Anywhere program which would give us the ability to mutual electronically at home and ask for vacation from home as well.
I would like to thank a couple of chief stewards in MSOP and CRP/NOCs/Transition for working so hard on completing grievances and putting out fires there.
Two people attended Steward Training in May- Cynthia Ekstam from the Nursing Home and Mary Wolfe from 2nd watch MSOP. Thank you for attending and you will be added to the list.
Treasurer-Connie Anderson: April treasurers report - accepted subject to audit motion by Adam Castle, second by Charles Johnson then carried.
CS MSH/Transition: John Collins: Nothing new to report.
CS-AMH/CARE: Kevin Graves:
“Extended Campus Report May 2011
CBHH Rochester:
Combined M&C for June on the 2nd
CBHH St. Peter:
Meet and Confer in March. Continuing to have issues with not enough back ups in place to prevent AFSCME staff from being inversed twice in a payperiod.
Plans to combine the two CBHH’s M&C’s every other month.
We had a discussion with management about the rules of inversing as they had 18 unfilled shifts on a posted schedule recently. We wanted to ensure staff were not being unfairly inversed and that every opportunity was being made to fill these shifts with volunteers. Also we clarified the stance on staff working between programs (CARE & CBHH) as long as they are capable and qualified. Deb Moses the program manager has resigned and HR is looking into filling this position. Management wanted to be sure to point out how proud they were of all staff working for them for “giving excellent patient care during tough political and stressful times!” As union reps it was really nice to hear that from management.
Kevin Graves
Chief Steward
AFSCME Local 404
CS- NOCs/CRP: Jeremy Tubbs: “CRP- There was 1 grievance filed on OT and was granted since the last meeting. There was another OT shift not assigned correctly, it was corrected and the correct person will receive pay due to the error. The CRP program is currently undergoing a study to hopefully move them to a more suitable class for that unit.
MSH NOCS- Nothing to report.
MSOP Nights - The NOC OD is requiring NOC staff to sign a competency checklist he has created. The checklist was discussed with management and will no longer be used.
I have filed 5 grievances over the last month. They were for OT, the process in which mutual’s are approved, a reprimand, and a termination. I had the 2 for OT settled at a first step. The grievant's will receive pay for the error. The mutual agreement was a class action. I was called in to speak with Ralph Schmidt to see if a resolution could be reached outside of the grievance process. We did reach an agreement and the grievance was withdrawn. The grievance on the reprimand is still pending. My last grievance on the termination was not granted and the termination stands.
CS – Facilities and Forensic Nursing Home: Jill Gorman: “In the nursing home there was an overtime issue. John Knobbe talked to mgmt. and resolve the issue w/o grieving. Physical Plant- Sherry Fischer had a meeting with the Delivery Van drivers. There are issues concerning Campus Security dealing w/ keys. I will be looking into this.
May 27 MVSAC Reunion Redmen 4pm-?
Union history at Museum.
CS – MSOP: Matt Stenger: “In MSOP there have been a total eight grievances this month. I have filed a class action grievance on behalf of all the MSOP employees. Thanks to Amy Bachmeyer in getting the overnight schedules. We were able to determine for the NOC shift alone MSOP has violated the bidding rights of twenty eight times for the month of February, March was thirty six different times, and the month of April was forty times.
Also this month Jeremy Tubbs made MSOP history when he won not one but two step one grievances in the same month. This month is also our joint labor management meeting with Moose Lake.”
EB-Anne Mehltretter: I sat 2 investigations on S1W- have not yet heard the outcome.
EB-Charles Johnson: “Filed and presented two Step 3 grievances.
Attended the State Employee Policy Committee-> voted in favor for employees to decide their own best option as a result of METO redesign.
Charles Johnson”
EB- Eric Ridout: Nothing new to report.
Good and Welfare: Jeffrey Spann, Jesse Miller, Jim Ebbenga, Steve Howe, Theresa Lambrecht, Matt Uecker, Mike Keech and Tom Eustice
CLU delegate report- nothing new to report. Adam Castle made a motion to send Lynn Whipple to CLU. Second by Brian Wells then carried.
Council 5 Field Representative Scott Grefe- Master negotiations have begun- concept negotiations being used. Legislative session slated to end with “The Last Supper” BBQ/Rally on May 23rd. DHS cuts being addressed by the legislature via SOS leadership changes. Assistant Commissioner Maureen O’Connell recently attended the SOS multi bargaining union meeting and plans to attend this meeting monthly. She stated that labor will be at the table for the hiring of the leadership positions. She has been instrumental in many positive changes statewide.
The first draft of the Corrections Early Retirement Policy stating who gets in and who gets out was borrowed from corrections from Dennis Benson. Scott pointed out that the Commissioner gets the final decision.
Message to Members: “We need to fight back! Use your time to make a difference!”
Door Prize Winners- Brian Wells, Kevin Graves, Annie Thelen, Charles Johnson
Progressive Drawing- $125- June 2011

Meeting adjourned at 6pm