Present: Douglas Panser, Tim Headlee, Molly Kennedy, Chuck Hottinger, Amanda Mathiowetz, Matt Stenger, Deb Burger, Jo Pels, Patrick Rodning, Kristine Wahlberg, Stephanie Juhl, Tonia Yates, Diane Andrews
1. Introductions
2. Review previous meeting minutes – 10/9/2014
a. Received a draft of ground rules and goals/objectives for future Labor Management Meetings.
3. Management Updates (Staffing, Special Projects or other relevant items) a. Due to time limits we were unable to discuss this agenda item.
1. Scheduling issues - Leaving holes in the schedules and not trying to fill them prior to that shift. Scheduling for doctors’ appointments. a. This issue has not been resolved since last meeting in October. At CARE St. Peter there have been schedules posted with holes in them. These holes are not filled until an inverse needs to happen as far as documentation shows. Management stated that calls were made to try to fill these holes without an inverse; the overtime call sheet was never filled out. Management stated that these calls will be documented from now on. Douglas stated that scheduling issues can be tightened up as far as the process goes but the state is having major financial issues. b. The hiring pause has created a problem. There are 15 holes and no way to fill them per Lynda. To help, management needed to seek a contract nurse which they did not want to do. Contract nurses are going away in St. Peter. Rochester would like to re-up their contract nurses. c. When staff let Lynda know they have a doctor’s appointment they are getting scheduled off the entire day. Most of the time the staff can work part of their shift. Management stated that if someone licensed is needed to cover an appointment, a Counselor could fill this to accommodate.
2. Staff Training – Still an ongoing issue for over a year now a. On December 29th staff will be receiving de-escalating training. This training has gone over very well in Fergus Falls and Willmar. b. A hybrid of Classes 2 and 3 of Ease training will be taking place. 3 and 4 have been developed but we do not have the resources available. That is why there will be a hybrid training. AFSCME pointed out that staff not using hands on should still receive the same training because they are expected to handle crisis situations. Management agreed with this. c. Metal detecting and pat search training will be taking place hopefully by the end of January of 2015. Janet Trimbo with Staff Development said that she could provide someone to get this training done. This training will be able to happen with a draft of a policy.
3. Work environment – Staff being threatened by clients
a. Due to a prior tour of CARE in St. Peter, AFSCME pointed out some minor changes that could happen now to increase safety. One change would be getting rid of wooden broom handles and replacing with unbreakable handles. Also, putting the cleaning cart away when it is not being used. Management stated that they could look at a system to methodically change items out.
b. AFSCME asked if someone could complete a once a week safety check? Management stated that environmental rounds are completed by Mike Myhra and Bryant Rislove.
c. Rochester said that they stopped using the word “rules” and replaced it with “guidelines.” This has seemed to help a lot so far.
d. Management stated that it helps to communicate to the clients what we expect from them and teach positive norms instead of negative. Also, to offer an inventive helps like the color levels. This is a difficult population. Trying to keep this front and center is hard but it is a must. Since going non-smoking the population has changed to 90% being court ordered. Prior to this, it was 50/50. Management recognizes that the clients do have too much power and this is an issue that is frustrating.
e. There has been a lot of staff splitting. It is important to stand united. If a co-worker makes a decision, everyone needs to back it. Some clients may complain about fairness but treatment is individual.
f. Douglas Panser had Rochester speak about their weekly meetings. This has helped unite staff, increase morale, and let staff be heard. This needs to happen in St. Peter as well. These meetings are beneficial because staff can bring up their concerns and lets the team come up with solutions. Management in Rochester noticed that with the past 3-4 meetings being cancelled due to holidays and scheduling there was an increase of negativism. Now they are back on track with weekly meetings. Rochester is doing extremely well with 16 clients. Douglas stated that Tonia and Stephanie are doing a tremendous job. The staff is very unified there. The last meeting in St. Peter was the end of February. Douglas emphasized that these meetings need to happen every week.
4. Update on hiring of new staff a. There are no updates on hiring due to the hiring pause (not freeze). b. Tudy Fowler is working with Pat Sutter on getting a standard for holiday scheduling. A draft is in place. When the final document is ready it will be posted for staff.
5. Update on new security camera system and radio’s a. After the tour AFSCME’s only suggestion would be to centralize all security items. For example, cameras are in one area and man down is in another. Also, these items should be away from clients. b. After the tour AFSCME also feels more comfortable with the camera situation that is in place.
**2015 Labor Management Meeting tentative dates will be sent out by Kristine Wahlberg. Would like to rotate between the 3 locations.