Present: Kevin Graves, Chuck Carlson, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Molly Kennedy, Scott Grefe, John Knobbe, Sam Arneson, Bonnie Sack, Paula Skaalrud (phone), Deb Berger, Linda Miller
1. Has Affinity Plus Credit Union Visit been scheduled?
Bonnie has scheduled this for May 25th from 2-3pm. Staff will be notified.
2. Entrance into parking lot – reflectors / street lamp (do we have a date?)
This is now on the “to do list” now that the weather is nicer and will be done before the next meeting.
3. Inversing – concerns about holes in the next schedule. No inversing twice in the same pay period unless emergency. Definition of emergency?
Staff is concerned about the latest schedule posted with 18 unfilled shifts/ holes in the schedule. There was discussion at length about inversing contractually, the scheduling of intermittents, and the definition of an emergency situation. Management is trying to avoid inversing by using intermittent staff and is currently interviewing and hiring 1-.8 LPN and 1-intermittent LPN. There is also 2 staff currently in training.
There was also discussion about medical leaves and how long these positions are to be left open. These positions can be posted if the person is expected to be out over 6 months- it is up to the supervisor’s discretion.
4. Re-clarify the issue of Local 404 staff working overtime across programs, which is in our all other populations supplemental.
As long as the staff remains capable and qualified they can remain on the overtime list. All other capable and qualified staff will be offered the overtime first.
MGMT items
1. Resignation of Deb Moses- State Wide Director replacement to be announced. Paula and Bonnie stated that they have not heard of any changes due to this yet.
2. Bonnie wants to thank all staff for remaining professional and giving excellent patient care during tough political and stressful times!
Next meeting July 21st at 1:30pm
Meeting adjourned at 1:56pm