Present: John Knobbe, Kevin Graves, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Mark Lancet, Lisa Costello, Scott Grefe, Diane Andrews, Amber Bement, Kristine Wahlberg (ITV/phone), Marlene Schnichels (ITV/phone)
•In regards to vacant LPN positions not being filled by AFSCME employees. We would like to discuss the minimums you intend to retain so that viable vacation and OT pools exist for those employee’s.
•There has been a proposal submitted to the vacation committee at the executive level regarding these changes; it is unknown how long these decisions will take. This proposal has changes on all shifts not just AFSCME positions and included a reduction of LPN’s not elimination. Licensing will be looked at as well. Management will keep Kevin Graves in the loop as staffing patterns change and AFSCME positions are replaced. These changes will take place through attrition, not layoffs.
•Inversing and voluntary overtime will take place in order of seniority depending on what the need is (HST, LPN, RN). Inversing, as discussed, will be done according to the contract. The following inversing guidelines will apply; No more than 24 hours in 40, no more than 16 hours in a row, no inversing before days off unless in an emergency situation. Truly emergency situations should exhaust all staff from bottom to top.