Present: Molly Kennedy, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Kevin Graves, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Sam Arneson, Scott Grefe, Karen Jones(via telephone), Paula Skaalrud (via ITV), Deb Moses
1.Affinity Plus Credit Union Visit: Still not scheduled? Need contact person assigned to do this.
•Sam Arneson will contact Carol at CBHH and coordinate this visit
2.Staffing issue: Night staff LOAs-
•There will be 3 positions posted: 1 temporary .8, 1 permanent .8, and 1 permanent .75. Management intends to interview and hire as quickly as possible.
3.Staff Schedules:
•The union supports staff desire to have a 7/3 rotated schedule with Thursday/Fridays off instead of Monday/Tuesdays. This will be good for morale.
4.Budget Cuts impact
•CARE is not affected as an enterprise. CARE has been breaking even for the past 3-4 months. The budgeted census was recently increased and they are meeting that census. The current break even census is 28 patients.
5.Years of Service Awards
•These are expected to start going out around October and go through January 1st.
Next Meeting: October 21st at 1:00pm