Present: James Hemshrot, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Kurt Crosby, Tim Headlee, Alli Kuhlman, Carol Olsen, Lisa Duchene, Michelle Chalin, Carol Olsen, Scott Melby, Krystal Kreklow, Zach Sowieja, Colleen Ryan, Ryan Cates, Mike Homer
Reflection/Celebration: Carol-Thanks Tim for the help with the job fair.
Standing Agenda Items:
1. OSHA Information: Passed out information in handouts Overtime Information
Old Business
Management: 1. Construction Update: Carol-all signed documents and construction will start Tuesday. We will be giving updates weekly. Pond by n home will be filled in and used as parking lot. 2nd floor admin and summit center and PTOE suite. Work in building to redirect electrical, water, security etc. away from 6789. Same time doing demo in 789 for preparation. Road that goes behind Hickory and Frasier will become two lane road and walking path. Road will be closed by motor pool and rerouted. Pond by the nursing home. Matt-if people are being tied up with construction, we might want to look at how that will affect snow removal. TC said we could make these all one work pool. Carol-I will talk to TC about this.
New Business
Management: 1. Job Fair: Carol- 29 SC hired. 5 RNS. From job fair. Still working out HSSS but 28 interviewed. 40 people for other positions but did not interview but they did apply online at the fair. 158 attended.
2. AFSCME Office: Carol-Old business. Thank you for working on that. Tim-just a couple more days left and it will be empty.
3. Staff Appreciation Event: Michelle-Working with the committee and looking at December 6th. Going with El Agave again. More than likely at summit center
4. Staff Forums: Carol-this has been scheduled but had some yesterday with Security Services. CRP is November 8th at 615 and 2. Nursing home November 17th at 130. Transition services forum November 1st 615 and 2-3. MSH forum will be November 29th in morning and afternoon. Flyer will be out soon.
AFSCME: 1. Job Fair Results: No LPN’s attended. Scott-this was a culmination of partnership with afscme and all other unions coming together. Successful due to the work you all did.
2. Future Parking Lots: Tim-staff are finding themselves parking at Glueck. Could cause issue due to lack of cameras. Heard about parking by visiting expanded? Carol-this is part of alternates with phase 2 but construction money came in where we can add alternates right away. Tim-can we just put that down to plan. Scott-we need to plan for delays if going to be late. Follow present practice and case by case with OD. Carol-Specific days? Cates-yeah Mondays Matt-Tuesdays and Wednesdays too. Scott-there is a new group for training so that could be contributing.
3. Scheduling Office Staff: Cates-supervisor in office. More and more vacations not being looked at and don’t get granted. Do you have someone that can work on weekends to meet facility needs? Carol-we are moving with that with the SOD office. Prior to that we don’t know the answer. ODS will be supervisor on campus who can look at some requests when requested for approval by scheduling office.
4. Mutualing Work Locations: Matt-Denial of mutual. Contract to deny is if it will cause facility overtime. You keep saying you must work 2 days. Competency comes with daily discussions. We are competent. You are holding counselors to a different standard than other work areas. It is a violation of contract. MSOP has done this for years. If just work location changes. That can’t be denied. Lisa-I see what you are saying. With this just starting yesterday, we would like to see how that plays out. We like to balance but we disagree with what you are saying. We will approve if working different day or shift but if it’s strictly location we don’t agree. Matt-it says days off, shift. Zach-says nothing about location, only period of work. Matt-Zach just reiterated what I said. You are violating the contract. Zach-just because MSOP is doing it this way that doesn’t work across this program. Zach-doesn’t address work location and if it’s not stated, it’s up to management. Kurt-you are right about the shift but not the location. Zach-not denying shift or days of work. Denying location that is not stated in the contract. Kurt-competency has been addressed and that is the reasoning you are using to deny. Matt-competency piece is there. Lisa-I’m not saying we can look at this. We are taking consideration where people would like to work and will look when locations are vacated. This is how we always operate. So we could manage who is in all locations. Matt-but you do that now with the schedule, you fill the hole. It’s just swapping to where they prefer. James-why do we sit the meeting every month for better working relationship? We have gone 2 years with LMC meeting. Force employees to work places where they may feel upset about. Feel like they would like to work somewhere for a day. We can’t do that? This feels like a power struggle. Why are we denying mutuals. Will only make employees happier and reflect to patients. Carol-I think that CRP is moving to new practice, I don’t believe we are unreasonable. We need OT let it work itself out a bit. We established primary units and allowing flexibility. Feels like anything we don’t move forward becomes us aren’t doing anything and that irritates me to. We do a lot to listen and consideration. We put into place, its just starting. Lots of opportunity. If a staff isn’t happy talk to Carrie or Lisa. Our read of contract is not violation. Lisa-always room for consideration. James-we take this back to membership and have them reach out to you. If you aren’t working with the relationships we can come back to this later? Matt-I don’t know why we can’t do this, they are covering each other, it is not a competency issue. Carol-ancillaries aren’t everything. It also comes from working on the unit. Matt-its not different but there are differences. Tim-what level are we talking as far as mutual? Projecting 15 people a pay period? Or an occasional switch? I don’t see this as all of the sudden a bunch of mutual happening here. Matt-if we have a hole, schedule one there. Scott-I don’t recall people mutualing to different work locations. Matt-if I was on a team but couldn’t find someone that is trained so I had to switch locations so I could get to a position with different qualifications. Scott-so people want to switch locations on the same shift? Matt-reason why is CRP is considered work area like MSOP. Carol-we aren’t going to be at position to change here but I hear what you are saying. Matt-this is an RN thing too. Carol-tell them to talk to Lisa because I haven’t heard it. Matt-was said at coaches meeting. RNs really like it. Kurt-I don’t doubt you worked with people. Most management work with employees. And we appreciate that but with a contract. Zach-Contract says day, hours, and shifts. Not a location. So that is not covering location. Kurt-This comes down to management not wanting to do it then. Carol-I’m not willing to say we will change our view. I will talk to Lisa.
5. Union boards on units: James-supposed to be put up yesterday TC and I worked on it. I don’t know if we dropped the ball? Give me a drill and I’ll do it. Carol-we can’t do that, They are really busy. James-the boards are done and ready to be put up on the units in new section. Carol- I will follow up.
6. Grievance timelines: We have 21 days to file. Then have 7 days to respond. Generally I can file another at 7. Alli-union and supervisor meet together for step 1 but there was no one to meet with union so after the meeting we have 7 days to respond. Cates-if I don’t get it in by 13th day. I am scared that if I don’t follow that timeline you will deny it. If you can give me an extension I’m cool with that. Zach-timeline isn’t ruined if you haven’t gotten the response. Cates-I have 14 days for a step 2. Zach-7 days after supervisor’s response. Cates-resolve matter within 7 days. If it hasn’t been resolved, then 7 days after, I read that as 14 days. If it’s interpreted differently by you I need to know. Zach-if you file in 7 days after response, I can say we aren’t going to deny based on timeline. I can send you an email based on this one. That’s fine. I’m not going to write a blanket on this. Cates-I have one for scheduling and overtime. Alli-4 in scheduling I would like at a step 1 but we also have a 1 step 2. Carol-when there are these issues with connecting with a supervisor, I imagine you could connect with that supervisor for extension. Krystal-are these vacation requests going to be expedited? Cates-it won’t work now.
7. Intermittent language: Kurt-Paying overtime confusion. Tim witty addressed that he created 2 shift for time available and if you don’t work that shift you can’t work overtime. There are no shifts for intermittent. If AFSCME you are covered by overtime language supplemental. When AFSCME doesn’t sign for shift but sign up for overtime, they are allowed to be overtime. Carol-when you say bring forward for this. I think we need to know more about this. Alli-we had talks with Tim on how this works. They would have to follow sup language and offer overtime.kurt-2 shifts created by Tim to cover shifts. I understand what he is trying to get at. But it wasn’t supposed to get to that point. Alli-all hours in excess of work shift shall be considered overtime. Supplemental only establishes distribution. Krystal-they get it at overtime pay. This is how it works all over. Kurt-when shift is being offered overtime to one person, it’s offered to everyone until not member of bargaining unit. Zach-can you send us those notes you are talking about?
Meeting adjourned at 130pm