Present: Adam Castle, Antonino Guerrero, Tim Headlee, Matt Stenger, Carol Olson, Cindy Jungers, Scott Melby, James Hemshrot, Marvin Sullivan, Kurt Crosby, Tom Christenson, Michelle Chalin, Lisa Vanderlein, Colleen Ryan, Alli Kuhlman, Ryan Cates, Stacy Mueller, Michelle Fisher
Standing Agenda Items
Reflection Celebration: Tours had positive feedback from the public and the media. Meeting on Tuesday together with the union was positive.
Old business
Rescinding Overtime-Management is not looking at changing the practice but this does not occur very often at this time. Melby
CRP/Community Transition-Olson-Moving forward with posting counselor positions. Completed licensing and other requirements for housing, etc. Additional cameras are being drawn up and will be working on physical aspects of the building. Move in will occur on 30th of November. November 7th is the last day in the current location after that will be preparing to move in to new location. NEO will then start on campus.
“NOC” 26/48 MOU’s-We do have the MOU’s completed and in hand. AFSCME will take to the membership for approval. MOU is missing CRP language to acknowledge the different shifts. Why did we not use the terms for number of “shifts” in 48 hours instead of number of “hours”? This may result in contract violations.-Crosby.
New Business
Years of service awards/Staff Appreciation Event-December 14. Plan is to do event catered by el agave in Tomlinson from 1015 to 2pm. Separate ceremony to present service awards. Overnight shifts will be delivered food to residential units in Bartlett and MSH for staff to eat. Gifts will be delivered.
New working title for Security Counselor is being researched. Open to ideas from membership to reflect the work we do.
HSSS/HST FTE’s/Titles/PD’s-AFSCME is concerned about the differences between percentiles for All Programs for PD’s. We would like to streamline the PD’s to make them very similar when presenting to commissioner. Why is there such a discrepancy? Management was due to revise PD’s last year and sent draft to the Union in which everyone got new descriptions. These were revised to match current practices. This is the first time we need to place percentages to meet CERP. These should qualify to meet the retirement per Melby. Melby- We cannot make PD’s to meet all programs on campus due to significant differences among MSOP, MSH, etc. These need to reflect the job and translate to commissioner. The PD’s should be very similar and may equate to pay inequity.-Headlee- When can we go through the PD’s, we to make sure the PD’s reflect our direct contact with clients. CRP may not be reflecting the direct contact percentages right now and needs to be reviewed. Competency for CRP for staff doing overtime. Headlee- This is falling above DOC CO1 and CO2 categories for pay equity. We need to be meeting with the mental health practitioner also. There are too many different things falling under our PD’s that may not be part of the job anymore. Would like to clean up the PD’s and be more specific on what we do when presenting to commissioner. Example: Some programs are capping out at same rate but starting rate is lower. Why is this?-Headlee. Carol-we will take a look at these but there is no time frame for completion. Management is open to all suggestions on new working titles and agree to make them accurate and use certain language to reflect the job accurately.
Current Vanancies-HSSS-12 vacancies. 10 of these are Forensic Nursing Home, 2 transition services. LPN-22 vancancies. 4 of these are at Community CRP, 3 Forensic Nursing Home, 7 MSH, 7 Transition Services, 1 CRP. Security Counselors-17 Vacancies. 9 are at Community CRP, 5 MSH, 3 CRP. SCL Vacancies-6. 4 are at Community CRP, 1 CRP, 1 MSH.
SC/SCL’s Orientation for CRP OT-CRP may need to be part of training. This has been an issue when signing up for certain overtime based on location. Training for “competency” due to CRP being unique want to make sure people know the job. Possibly offer training sessions so everyone is able? Scheduling needs to meet needs of area of which is being covered.-Carol. Scheduling for coverages needs to meet licensing and consistency.
GMW’s Orientation for OT Shifts/SC/SCL’s-Carol considering ending this practice. People picking up OT outside of their working class but not being forced to cover when inversing is needed. Control Center, campus security, etc. Melby-Cross coverage and competency issue. This has been allowed because there has been so much overtime and trying to alleviate stress on staff. OT is decreasing and this will be part of the review.
Vacation Audits-Discipline for not having enough time banked when an audit is done? Repeat offenders- supervisors may be forced to investigate further but not necessarily discipline the staff. Melby-look at this individually and do follow up. Each audit is resulting in fewer excessive requests for vacation.
Intermittent staff- Would like to have a way to get into overtime sign up while off campus. Melby-there is specific contract language that does not allow for this. Intermittents are not on seniority roster but are receiving benefits and union dues. Seniority is published once a year and does include intermittents. Intermittents can only be used to cover sick, vacations, etc. 67 shifts a year puts staff into the bargaining unit. Overtime sign up would be in violation of contract. Intermittents do not qualify for overtime.
SharePoint/I-Net-Update: No SOS. Just Forensics. New page: October rollover date. Overtime sign up to move to new site but will still be able to access old way. Clean up navigation. Site will not be able to be personalized to meet standards.
Working Titles SC/SCL-Looking at changing titles to something more individual to our program as to not be confused with other entities. When searched for online, people may be confused as to why the pay scales are so different. Choose title in which legislators and public are not mislead by titles and pay inequity. Something with a forensic designation. Fear of CERP Losing progress they have made. Titles will always be on the position description, SCL/SC. Classification might be different. Working title will not be used to dilute at congress for example. PD’s need to reflect the job so others are not mislead.
Fund for movies offered as activities-RTs and counselors are supplying movies out of pocket for movie nights. Carol-something has been set up to receive money ahead of time. Staff need to be informed on the process for getting the movies beforehand. Melby will talk to Tammy Rosberg to help with informing her staff of the process.
OD’s not calling for overtime-OD’s not doing call outs for staff on overtime list when staff are not in the building. This practice is not part of agreement/contract but is good practice instead of inversing. Happening more on overnights. Melby will follow up. Sign up is for known in advance only.
Not completing timebooks-Staff have been reprimanded for not completing or making a mistake. Melby-If this is happening it is more than likely for staff who do this habitually. A coaching session is a face to face conversation to talk about an issue.-Melby will look into the individual situation regarding an email notifying the person of the coaching. Email should be a follow up to an actual conversation that took place about the issue, not considered a coaching. Carol-staff whom repeatedly do not complete time books may be looked at coaching. Coding problems have resulted in coaching as well. Melby will look into this.