Mike Homer, Tim Headlee, Connie Anderson, Stacey Mueller, Matt Stenger, Ryan Cates, Amanda Mathiowetz, Shannon Pech, James Hemshrot, Michelle Chalin, Jennifer Frew, Cindy Jungers, Carol Olson, Scott Melby, Colleen Ryan, Tom Christensen,
1. Partnering to control the rumor mill a. Often times an incident can escalate to other people and get a life of its own. Management asked that if AFSCME hear anything from members reaching out that they check with management to get the other side of the story. This would help control rumors. Carol Olson said that she tries to reach out to Tim Headlee. AFSCME should let management know if there is anyone else they would like them to reach out to.
2. Town Hall Meetings a. There will be a schedule put out on the SharePoint site for different Town Hall Meetings for the different programs. The Nursing Home, CRP, Transition, General Support; will all have their own meeting. This is because each of those audiences want to hear information specific to their program. b. If there are specific items you would like addressed please talk to the program managers. For example Facility Support would talk to Tom Kolstad. c. CRP and MSH will have information about the bonding available because there have been a lot of questions about it. d. All areas except for General Support will have two meetings scheduled as a way to get more staff involved.
3. Forensic Alcohol & Drug Policy related to Corrective Order a. This is a statewide policy. In response to the corrective order, Forensics was required to draft a policy specifically just for our program. It is a brief document that is a supplement to the MMB Alcohol policy. When a supplement is added it can be more but not less restrictive. The intent is that we have to have language that covers people other than employees, such as volunteers and contractors. . This will be effective September 1st.
4. Hiring Pool a. A meeting needs to get scheduled with AFSCME representation for discussion on new employees and what their beginning employment should consist of to get them trained properly. AFSCME stated that they would like Tim Headlee and Stacey Mueller present. Human Resources is working on getting something set up.
1. Filling vacant Lead positions a. There are two vacant lead positions. Management said that they are looking at the overall budget and trying to make some hard decisions of what positions to fill and what we can afford. Management said that they are holding just a couple of positions, other than that everything has been posted. b. There is a Financial Committee meeting every Friday to look at all positions and current financial expenses. Carol stated that hopefully they will have some answers down the road. Carol said that she is hoping to have a better picture tomorrow (August 21st) c. 23 Security Counselor positions are being filled. 24 additional positions are being hired. Those will be spread through all areas. 2. Hiring status for FNH & Transition Services a. AFSCME asked if there has been anymore progress. Michelle Chalin stated that she does not know off the top of her head how many vacancies there are. There are some upcoming leaves and several staff on light duty b. One of the LPN positions hired is going to the Nursing Home and 1 LPN position has been offered to Transition. 3. MSH Inversing & overlapping shifts a. If an employee is scheduled for the 12 – 8pm shift, what happens if there is an inversable need at 9pm? AFSCME asked what happens with that hour. It has happened where that employee is inversed from 8pm – 9pm as a building extra, then had to also stay from 9pm – 6:30 am. That employee had to be back at noon for their scheduled shift. This shift has often been inversed for the overnight shift. With the new supplemental agreement this would violate working 24hrs in 48 hrs. The 7.5 is being violated and a double inverse. b. Employees have tried to talk to the supervisor doing this because it is not right but have received what they believe is a less than professional response from the supervisor. Tom Christensen stated that he does not think it is happening intentionally but has rather been an oversight. TC stated that, “Scott and I will do our best to educate the OD’s.” If this does happen, please bring it to TC or Scott because it should not happen. It was mentioned that cascading shifts do make inversing complicated. c. AFSCME received word that LPN’s are being told that they cannot leave the overnight shift until 6:10 am to make sure all early shift LPN’s are present. That would be considered an inverse. This is not correct. Management said that they would take this information back to the RN OD’s and that this will be cleaned up.
4. Positive Support Plan review a. Members have heard a rumor that Unit 200 will be changed to a DD unit. Carol Olson said that, “Where that rumor started, no idea.” Is that what the members are wanting? Management stated that they have been criticized for doing the same thing (grouping some patients together) in the past. There are pros and cons to a DD unit that need to be weighed out. This policy is being directed at a statewide level. It is a statute and to delay it would need legislative approval. b. AFSCME asked that when an ICS is called, how do the people responding know if that patient is DD? They stated a need for something very visible to differentiate. Management stated that there is a Q & A link on the SharePoint site. This has a link to patients who fall in DD status. This list will be kept updated. Each unit will revise their list as well. In terms of responding to an incident, staff on that unit should be made aware during their shift overlap meetings. If you are moved onto a unit covering ask questions at shift exchange. Use the communications book, shift overlap, information passed at the weekly clinical review to help. It is about looking for the information, reading, and asking questions. Nursing and professional staff are also available during the week to field questions. c. Management stated that they still have a lot of questions that have been forwarded to the people working on the rule. These questions have not been answered yet. d. AFSCME asked if there will be any sort of training. Management stated that initial response will be the same. Scott Melby said, “We can physically intervene when there is imminent risk. Once we have someone contained then we can pause and sort through what the options are.” Training will not be happening because this is individual treatment. The announcement on the SharePoint site has a lot of information. Management stated that staff have done a really good job with individuals who fall under this rule and that this is frustrating for all.
5. MSH Staffing Analysis a. Have not found a vendor yet. If you have any ideas contact Connie Jones. Stacey Mueller mentioned a company and will send a link of their site to Carol Olson.
6. Training for TOR’s a. The PowerPoint presentation has been cleaned up for New Employee Orientation. This is also being posted on the Scheduling SharePoint site. An announcement will be put out. TC said that he encourages employees to refresh their memory. b. Employees have had troubles finding the vacation calendar on the scheduling site. When looking at the schedule of your area, it is in the upper right hand corner. There is a drop down, go to #3. c. Please set up your email to give alerts when there is a new posting on the SharePoint site.
7. NOC inverse release by seniority a. This is not contractual, it is more courtesy. AFSCME mentioned that MSOP has an agreement with management to release overtime in order of seniority as long as it does not disrupt the facility. Management stated that they have not done it seniority based. Wherever the need has ended, that employee goes home. Management mentioned that this can be a nightmare for an OD. AFSCME stated that it is language that they would like to see have consistency among the OD’s. Some shifts are still going by seniority. When this happens, please let Tim Headlee know and he will mention it at his check-in meetings with management.
8. MSOP to MSH updated OT roster a. This is issued twice a year. May possibly come out in October. Overtime rosters are different and is handled by scheduling. TC stated that they are really close to a finished product. Meghan Goodrich was working on this with them but is no longer employed here. In the meantime if there are problems discovered with transferring, let scheduling know right away.
9. SNV for Control Center a. Control Center is a unique area for short notice vacation. Can CC have SNV rather than shift in progress? Management stated that they would like to discuss this further and were not ready with an answer. b. There was a recent situation where there were enough staff on to grant SNV but the employee did have to report to work to receive shift in progress. TC stated that this was because he had instructed the OD to not grant SNV that day based on facility needs that day with patient movement. OD’s try to get people out. If the OD says that it can’t happen, please try to understand that there is a reason or trust that there is. If there are any issues, please bring them to TC. He stated that he would be more than happy to listen and try to help resolve.
10. FNH Radio Usage a. Michelle Chalin stated that Brian and Tom were there earlier this week working on the radios. There are a few sample radios to try that can be checked out at reception. Michelle said that she has not heard yet which was better. They will be getting bids and going from there. Employees would be carrying both radios. The new radio is more of a small walkie-talkie. Please remember to be patient because purchases do not happen overnight.