12/13/12 MSH Meeting Minutes

Andrew Jones, Jeremy Tubbs, Jenn Frew, Colleen Ryan, Thomas Kolstad, Tom Christensen, Carol Olson, Connie Anderson, W. John Knobbe, Melissa Gresczyk, Elizabeth Blomberg, John Collins, Scott Grefe, Tudy Fowler, and Molly Kennedy.

Follow up Items:

1. Scheduling & A-Team: Rita Olson is close to finishing the time study on the MSH Residential Units to determine staffing needs. Carol Olson stated the intent is to discuss the details at the January 10th M&C.

2. Parking Card/Purchase Card: Carol Olson is working with Lori Zook on a procedure for parking and outings. It was also mentioned that a handicap placard can be utilized for free parking at meters.

3. Imminent Risk: John Knobbe mentioned that not everyone is on the same page as management. Carol Olson and the Leadership group will be completing in-person training to discuss imminent risk in conjunction with the roll out of the approved restraint & seclusion policy. This will be an opportunity for all staff to ask questions. The in-person training, or the CBT, needs to be completed by 100% of direct care staff within 30 days (due by January 8). Carol will send a communication to all staff regarding this training.

4. Union representative availability: Management requested an updated list of stewards available for investigations. The union will send this list to HR.

5. Expansion of CRP Carol explained that by the end of the week, 100% would be out of jail and into CRP - a couple of patients will be sleeping in Med Core but their days will be spent on the CRP unit. John Knobbe said he understands what is driving the cart but asked about the long term fix. Carol said it will take some time as there will be a domino effect. Some patients on B1S will be moved to the Forensic Nursing Home, some at pre-transition moved to Transition, some from MSH units moved to pre-transition. The next step is to have 4-5 beds on a unit for additional CRP patients. Ideally, we’d like to open a 2nd CRP unit but right now we don’t have beds available. John Knobbe mentioned that right now there are 4 night staff at CRP and he questioned whether MSH staff could be utilized for assistance or if there are other alternate solutions as this has already caused overtime/inversing for CRP staff. Colleen Ryan had an email from Carie Archer, CRP Supervisor, which included overtime/inversing information for CRP. The cameras are on in Med Core so they are back down to 1 staff at night at Med Core. Carie also included the # of inversing situations for CRP along with reasons (additional staff needs/sick calls/etc.). The #s showed that the majority of inversing this month was due to sick calls. There was also discussion around where CRP falls in the Forensics Supplement as this could change who eligibility rules for inversing/overtime. This will be discussed at a meeting next week with the union, Carie Archer and HR.

Management Agenda Items:

1. Confirm 2013 Meet & Confer dates and times (2nd Thursday of each month from 12:30-2:30 pm): John Knobbe asked if management would entertain the idea of moving the AFSCME Forensics M&C dates to the 3rd Thursday of each month (flip-flop with MSOP dates). Everyone needed time to review schedules so it was decided to leave the January 10th date as-is and have this as an action item at the next meeting.

2. Clarification regarding signed and dated grievances: The union explained some issues with the ability to electronically sign the bottom line of the grievance form. Management agreed that the grievance just needs the stewards’ name and date somewhere on the face of the grievance. The union stated they will type in name, date and (union steward) under ‘disposition of the grievance’.

3. Emergency Plumbing/Electrical/HVAC – establishing contract with Schwickerts: Tom Kolstad identified the need for establishing a contract with Schwickerts for emergencies. He gave the example of the flood at Johnson Hall where we didn’t have the equipment needed to remedy the situation. John Knobbe requested that management use on-call Plumbers/Electricians/HVAC as we used to keep a maintenance person on-call. Melissa Gresczyk questioned whether it was frequent enough to need the Trades on-call. Jeremy Tubbs said that right now they are getting called all the time. John Knobbe asked that management at least look into the possibility. Management stated they will look into this possibility. Scott Grefe questioned why there is a need to contract with Schwickerts for emergencies. Tom Kolstad noted that they have better rates (only pay for services used); we already know their background (backgrounds checked through DHS) and know what they have to offer. Scott requested a copy of the contract.
4. Mutual to Doubles: Melissa Gresczyk met with MMB and Connie Jones to discuss the ability for staff to mutual to doubles. Melissa has direction from MMB that the process would need to be formalized in a MoU. Melissa asked Scott about DOC and how they currently do this/how it works. Scott still doesn’t believe it needs to be negotiated since mutuals are already addressed in the contract. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.  

AFSCME Agenda Items: 1. Vacation #s available at MSH: The # of available vacation currently varies by work area (Residential Units/Nights/Security Services). This will be looked at by a work group comprised of union reps and management – HR will set up this work group. For MSHLPNs, the #s are: 1 vacation per day/per work area Mon-Fri and 1 vacation per day/per program on weekends (Sat/Sun).

2. Full time LPNs at MSH: John Knobbe requested that management look into more full time LPNs at MSH. He asked about the “borrowed” positions from MSH to the Nursing Home. Colleen Ryan said the PCNs are absorbed into the Nursing Home and we want to have solid staffing everywhere. We do not want to “rob Peter to pay Paul”.

3. CRP – patients housed at Med Core – staff overtime/inversed: This item was addressed earlier – there is a meeting scheduled next week to discuss further. 4. Sick Leave Memos/Employees required to provide dr. slips: John Knobbe said he doesn’t believe this should be considered a Letter of Expectation (LOE) – he understands the need to request dr. slips as outlined in the contract. John’s hope is to return to better labor relations on this campus. Melissa Gresczyk said we can carry this message forward to supervisors and we agree these are not considered a LOE. Jeremy Tubbs noted contract language regarding sick leave plans and asked that supervisors have conversations that include why they suspect sick leave abuse. Melissa believes that supervisors are having these conversations and we can continue to work through these questions collectively.

5. Employees on investigatory leave – scheduled or not for the Holiday ? how are they paid for the Holiday(s)

HR will check with payroll to verify how employees on investigatory leaves are paid for the Holiday. However, John Knobbe found the language on page 20 which notes that paid leaves shall not exceed the employee’s normal work schedule. So, a full time employee would be paid 8 hours for the Holiday. There was a question regarding how to code penalty pay. Jenn Frew will send the memo from Payroll to John Knobbe.

6. 2013 AFSCME Calendar – scheduling/release-time John Knobbe said he will figure out release dates needed for the rest of the year and send to the ODs and Scheduler. He wanted to verify that this was the correct route for requesting release time.

7. Role of the Scheduler & status of the OASI positions – are all vacation requests sent to Stu for approval now?

OASI positions – there were no bidders and a candidate list will soon be sent to Rita Olson. Vacation Requests – eventually the scheduling office will take all vacation requests. For now, supervisors may still approve vacations on their unit schedules.

Action Items: • 2013 AFSCME M&C dates – everyone will check calendars and verify ability to switch to 3rd Thursdays each month. • Work group for vacation availability at MSH – Elizabeth Blomberg will set up work group. • CRP’s spot in the Supplement – Elizabeth Blomberg has set up meeting with Carie Archer, Lisa Vanderveen, Shannon Pech, Tim Headlee and Chuck Carlson. • Trades/Maintenance staff on-call possibility – Elizabeth Blomberg will work with Tom Kolstad. • Shift Change/Penalty Pay codes – Jenn Frew will send payroll memo. • Schedule Options/Determine Staffing Needs for MSH SC/L – Management will have final proposals ready for the January M&C.