Management: Tom Christensen, David Proffitt, Colleen Ryan, Melissa Gresczyk, Tudy Fowler
Union: Tim Headlee, John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Ann Sullivan, Scott Grefe, Connie Anderson, Chuck Carlson
1. Space Utilization and CRP: Discussion on coverage for females on BH1S; currently have 4 women on the unit. Current staffing complement is 3 early staff/3 late staff. The late staffing will be based on acuity. If extra staff are scheduled, OD’s will try to leave them on 1S. As an update, Tom C. held a meeting and sent an email to all supervisors to distribute and review with staff. Expectation is that staff will respond to an ICS as usual and unit staff will take the lead by telling others what is needed for assistance. There was a question on the location of CRP Policies/Procedures. They are on the iNet under eManuals. Tim Headlee will double check. (*)
2. Update on Audit Request for CRP HST’s: Management acknowledges the frustration in the length of time this audit has taken. Melissa G. will be meeting with the staffing unit and HR management to seek closure on this issue. Scott G. pointed out that they were told the audit was done and now it is back under review. He also stated that CRP is now located in MSH and being in the secure perimeter should have bearing on the results of the audit. (*)
3. Performance Reviews: HR continues to “audit” the performance review report to assure its accuracy. Once the report is updated and correct efforts will begin toward standardizing the form and including an area for employee development. Will bring this agenda item forward for future updates. (*)
4. Vacation Availability: Management continues to report that vacations will be granted based on unit needs. This issue has been a repeat item on the agenda and will be address again if new issues arise. Tudy shared a report of Sec Co/Ld vacation balances. More reports will be shared as they become available.
5. Security Co Lead Leveling: The union did receive a copy of the current list.
6. Number of Security Co Lead positions: AFSCME reports that the ratio of SC to SC Leads is changing and that few Lead positions have been filled. The union states it is important that SC’s have a progression and opportunity for recognition and advancement. Their suggestion was to add another level so that there would be SC 1 and SC 2 positions before going to a Lead position. In the past the ratio was 1:4. It is management’s position that the work and business need is what dictates the use of any classification. David P. indicated that management will have further discussion to review the history and get a better understanding of the issue. (*)
7. SOFS Organizational Structure and Work/Committee Structures: David P. stated he hopes to have a communication out in January about possible changes to the SOFS organizational structure. This announcement will be contingent on readiness of the plan. In addition David is looking to establish committees that will include a cross section of all employees. Committee topics are still being discussed. Possible topics are: 1) addressing clinical violence, 2) program efficiencies.
8. Behavior Review Process: AFSCME was asking for an update on SC involvement in the behavior review process. David P. believes this would be a good topic covered in the committee that addresses clinical violence. Excellence of care and staff safety will be part of this so the involvement of SC’s and LPN will be important.
9. LPN Issues: AFSCME has requested a meeting to discuss LPN concerns. Identified issues are: 1) because LPN positions have been replaced with RN there is a smaller LPN pool which means few LPN in the pool for coverage (vacations), 2) part-time LPN’s being forced to use 80 hours of vacation. The previously scheduled meeting was cancelled and needs to be rescheduled. Management is committed to meeting with the union and will assure the meeting is scheduled once all background information is reviewed. Mel G. invited the union to provide details to help in researching their concerns (i.e. names, dates, pay periods). (*)
10. Union Officer Access to Steward Schedules: AFSCME continues to request access to steward and employee schedules. It is the union’s position that access would assist in addressing problems earlier and before the reach the grievance level. Management maintained their position that the union can request their stewards/members to send them copies of schedules. In addition, David indicated he is exploring options to address how scheduling is done in SOFS. Tudy will check further into the software constraints to see if there is a likely solution. (*)
11. Security Services: AFSCME is asking to have a meeting with Tom C. to discuss scheduling. Meeting needs to be arranged. (*)
12. Employee Engagement Survey: Management gave the union a “heads up” that an employee engagement survey will be sent to all SOFS employees after the holidays. There was also a brief reviewed of the content. Management asks that the union encourage their members to participate. More to come in January.
13. Labor Management Meeting Minutes: Mel G. suggested the LM committee jointly publish the meeting minutes. Joint publication means everyone is getting the same message. The committee agreed that management and the union will alternate drafting the minutes and both parties will review and agree on the content before they are published.
Next meeting January 12, 2012