Present: Molly Kennedy, John Collins, John Knobbe, Chuck Carlson, Connie Anderson, Scott Grefe, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Jasmine Bohnert, Colleen Ryan, Jo Blaschko, Denise Gardner, Tom Christensen, Larry TeBrake, Jim Yates
Old Business:
1. Work Rules Review- Denise Gardner and Nancy Draves are going to start working on them again beginning with the MSH tardiness work rule.
2. Safety
a. Current injury numbers- There were 4 injuries in July and 0 so far in August.
b. Safety needs and three extras-ideally we will be able to staff these 3 extras without paying overtime. Until that point overtime will be paid to staff them. (Overtime hours: July=3600, June=3100, May=2900, April=3800, March=2400, Feb=1900, Jan=2200)
c. Use of cameras for staff/patient monitoring; Cameras at Master control- Camera lines are run and management awaits RP approval to continue with installation. Monitoring stations will be on Units 200 and 900. Management stated that the installation of cameras in Master Control is an industry standard and that being the security hub of the hospital cameras will help to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. The union questions if this is a necessary expenditure and if it is good for morale in this work area. Larry TeBrake requested more information from Tom Christensen regarding the logistics of this industry standard.
d. Implementing Support plans for high risk patients on all units- A template was sent out again so that all units have the opportunity to institute these plans. Units should discuss the use of these plans and come up with some consistencies regarding their implementation, location, etc.
e. Concerns about specific patients: 900/800- There is a sub-committee of the violence prevention task force that is working with these issues and will be getting this information out to staff.
f. ICS debriefing improvements- There is a checklist that SOD’s are using during and after the de-briefing process. Nancy Dillon is working on a SOS wide packet for staff support after critical incidents. Also, the MSH SOD is currently not aware when incidents occur in the Shantz building due to different radio channels. Larry TeBrake will be contacting MSOP and requesting MSOP Control Centers to contact the SOD for ICS’s on Shantz 1W via the SOD cell phone.
g. Security Level policy: is the responsibility with the right position? Management will be meeting to discuss who should be making the final decision; the security director or the treatment director. Security level and activity level are both part of treatment and security and both need to be re-visited.
h. Social Learning: can we go cashless? Management stated that the goal of this program is to be cashless. They are working on getting the software program figured out.
i. Psychiatrists staying with patients rather than with units- The new Director of Psychiatry (Dr. Wermager) will be working on this. Issues would arise with Dr.’s being able to get to all of the different unit meetings. Management will be looking at what is most beneficial to the patients.
j. Creation of an Admission Unit- This will be looked at by the Space Utilization Committee Meeting. Trying to utilize space with existing dollars is continually being looked into.
3. SOFS Budget numbers – plans
a. Allocation vs. initial budget shows us $1.3 million over budget. Some changes such as vehicles, blackberries, printer/fax/copy machines have been made. Replacing open positions is being questioned before being filling now.
4. OT and definition of NOC shift days
a. As discussed at last month’s meeting, the work day starts when your shift begins.
5. Units running short for observation coverage- July discussion - The union has noted several occasions where units are running very short staffed when covering 1:1’s, having patients out in mobiles, or supervising visits. It is understood that a first 1:1 can be covered within unit minimums. The union is requesting that there be enough staff that if there is an incident that the A-team responder has to go to there should be at least one staff left on the unit that is not covering a 1:1 or patient in mobiles. Denise Gardner and Larry TeBrake will check into this.
• It appears that this problem has been rectified since last month’s meeting. If further problems arise, management and the union will discuss at that time.
6. State/Class Seniority July discussion - vacation and holidays, days off, bidding, OT, etc. is granted- The contract language is not clear on this. Nancy Draves will check with Tudy Fowler on this and get clarification.
• Clarification showed that vacation and holidays go by state seniority and everything else goes by class seniority.
7. Christensen Home
• Members of AFSCME (Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, John Collins, Chuck Carlson, Scott Grefe, and Ann Sullivan) met with Roger Deneen, Dave Campbell, Jim Yates, and Larry TeBrake regarding The Christensen Home in St. Paul and discuss union representation and contract coverage. The Christensen Home is a community based home for adult mental health. Management would like to have more of these homes based throughout the state and will need a MoU for these homes. Management and the union will be working together to come up with work rules and/or a procedure manual to track what is working in these homes. A combination of MSH forensics and MSOCS will be used to come up with a “hybrid” contract that will help ensure the future success of this and future community based enterprised homes.
Current Business:
1. Filling Vacancies- Due to repeated violations of contractual requirements on filling of positions, a MoU is being contemplated in lieu of multiple grievances.
• Problems seem to be arising because of the training staff is required to attend when transferring programs. A MoU will be written up with this language change included so that staff is able to move to their new work areas within a reasonable time. Management stated that this would most likely be either 6 or 8 weeks.
2. Schedule Posting- Unit staff is asking for a paper schedule and there is a contractual requirement for “posting” and a record of the schedule changes and schedule as posted.
• The union and management came to the agreement that any changes made in Schedule Anywhere would need to be tracked. Management will make notes along with the changes made and date and time them. This issue will remain on the agenda and any issues that come up will be re-visited.
3. Cashing out Comp Time- Staff “transferring” to MSOP is having their comp time involuntarily cashed out.
• The union is handling this issue through the grievance process.
• The issue of comp time having to be taken in 15 minute increments will require further research.
4. Release for Sept assembly delegates- Sept 30, Oct 1st & 2nd
• Chuck Carlson will send this information to Nancy Draves
5. Wellness Classes-
• Molly Kennedy will be meeting with the Wellness Committee and Virginia Carr regarding the availability of wellness classes and chair massages to all staff including shift workers (SC’s/HSS’s/HST’s, etc.)
6. FNH Chain of Command-
• Becky Kern is in charge of nursing and Colleen Ryan is currently the Clinical Nursing Supervisor. Michelle Chalin is in charge of operations and Fran Bly is her supervisor.
Management Issues:
1. There have been issues recently with staff calling in sick for 48 hours at a time with no explanation. Staff should be calling in daily when sick, at least 1 hour in advance for the early shift and 2 in advance for the late and overnight shifts. Staff does not need to go into extreme details about their reason for calling in sick, but unusual circumstances should be explained. (Ex: If staff has an issue that they are calling in sick for one day and going to see the doctor for this issue the next day- calling in for 2 days would be acceptable.)
Step 3 Grievances: 5 Step 3 grievances presented.