Tim Headlee, Molly Kennedy, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Bonnie Wold, Tim Lokensgard, Michelle Sexe, Mike Goeghlin, Krystal Kreklow, Cindy Jungers, Zack Swieja.
Follow Up
Rec/Visit/PX1S/Transport Staffing-Look for one staff in activity building and a float in social. Tim L-It is currently happening. We will run an audit on OT and make sure this is working.
10 HR Holiday Schedules-would like to work straight 8 hours on holidays instead of 10 and get half hour break? Tim L-Work same as 8 hour because that’s what the need was. Not sure on what stance of HR is on this. The need is not ten hours so need was 8 hours. Forcing them off and were most senior. Went back to it if the need is 8. We will just go back to 8 hours and supplement with 2 hours which is current practice. Tim will discuss with management and HR.
New Agenda Items:
Permanent Assignment to 1st Watch-HR is following contract. Staff said they were not getting enough notice before being moved to new shift. This is relatively a new practice because we haven’t had to do this for years. This does follow the contract. Matt-when putting out the notice, we could also notify the least senior staff that may be affected if the position is not filled. Notify 3 least senior. Cindy-This could lend itself to mistake. We could attach a seniority roster with the posting? Good solution. We will try to do this and see if it helps.
Bereavement Leave/Death Certificates-Rumor and will do some fact finding.
Cameras in Staff Areas-popping up in transport. Tim H-this has come up before. Scott Grefe presented this that any camera not due to security and safety must be negotiated with the union. Refer back to documentation when putting new cameras up in staff areas. Cindy-I remember some of that, I would like to see the documentation for that though. Tim L-it’s about monitoring the sharps, not the staff. But things have disappeared lately. Bonnie-this is also a protection for staff. We are not looking these cameras all the time, just during auditing. We have cameras in the activity building since it was built. Cameras are to ensure safety and security. The camera in the basement is also for training and if injuries occur also. We can look at what happened and this could help with any claims as well. Not meant to be a “gotcha” type thing. Tim H-management and AFSCME agreed cameras will not be utilized in staff only areas.
Security Walkthroughs-Molly-this has to do with needing two staff. Tim L-I thought it was due to two staff from different units. We like fresh eyes, someone not in that environment everyday might notice something different. More consistent across areas. If it is the same staff every time, they might not notice something wrong. Mike G has asked directors to do this as well. Tim L-ultimately it’s a set of fresh eyes.
Management Agenda Items
Containing Rumors-Bonnie-I encourage staff to bring forward any rumors so we can get on top of it immediately. I would not like to wait until the meeting to discuss these.
Mike G.-Would like to coordinate table top drills with staff and the exposure policy- separate paperwork that staff have to fill out along with first report of injury. We need to get people more familiar with this.
Tim L-Intermittent Positions. Historically difficult to fill. They sit at the bottom and are hard to fill. We have them for retirees and move into a spot. There is one opening still. We are working with MSU to hire in a person in law enforcement or related curriculum. They would go through the hiring procedure for the 6 weeks. At the end of this they are intermittent. MSU can use this for credits also. Students may graduate and move into a position here if they would like, if not they can move on. This is not an internship, it’s an actual paid position. Cindy-same probation hours. 1044 hours or maximum of 1 year. After that they would be the same as any other intermittent staff. All quarterly trainings have to be done as well.
Meeting adjourned at 1025am.