MSOP/Labor Meet and Confer
September 9, 2021
Pederson Building MOJ
Bonnie W,Troy, Tim L, Nikki B, Heidi P, Mel G, Ryan Cates, Eric Hesse, Steve Wilking, Nick Weerts, Annie J
AFSCME Agenda Items
1. Vaccine / Testing Mandate
Eric - percentage of how many staff needing to get tested
Mel- by the end of the week... we have launched the electronic process to upload info. There is a manual verification system. Trying to get through as quickly as we can. Some people who are in the numbers who haven't done the app. Some manual follow up pieces to get accurate data. These are not exact numbers as of yesterday, DCT 1136 employees require weekly testing. Had approximate 493 hadn't taken action of the adeptation process. Some of them we are finding they are getting paid but on leave. We are sorting through that list.
Annie - what is the total number of staff?
Mel- total staff 4660.
Annie - when you get more accurate numbers... when it gets closer to the date it starts. Can you send me the DCT numbers how many will be testing? Break it down by workgroups trying to find the numbers... if it’s rural. Are they refusing or don't have the availability? Maybe trying to get additional vaccine clinics. Maybe for boosters but not for vaccine itself
Mel- i did just get updated of those who didn't take any action. That’s 215 that have taken no action forensics 50 no action, MSOP 39 (Whole Program) and support services has 10. NO pay status if they take no action. We will find people who are on leave... we will manually mark those people in compliance. They will get a notice you are on no pay status unless you are on leave.
Annie - come wed. Of next week. If they are in working status. If they have not done the attestation process, they are going to be told to not come to work.
Mel - communication will be sent out and a Laudermill be sent out.
Annie - can i get that list for DHS wide so i can prepare the field reps?
Mel - the list who have been notified and not to report to work.
Annie - going off the numbers it doesn't sound like it’s a whole lot of people.... they need to have the process completed by the 8th. Those numbers are changing.
Mel - i don’t have the report up. I'll come back to this as I pull up the report
Ryan - are you going to test 1 day or every day?
Mel - testing will happen every day. They test on their first day of the office. This is the weekly testing and expected to test on the 1st day of your work week. That should catch anyone... allows someone to test on if they are on their days off. HR will get the results and who did. We will merge that data with who is required to test. We will take people off the list if they are on vacation or such. We will follow up on why they didn't test and will follow up. That will be communicated with supervisor and staff on their testing. Do feel comfortable we are trying to get the word out. No staff should be sent home or removed without consultation with HR. EX. if an employee saying they won't vaccinate and won’t submit to testing... but on test day, they test. Supervisor will consult with HR and submit forms and allow test and such. HR will direct... there should be no removal from work until HR is consulted.
Eric - are you anticipating employees not testing?
Mel - we are
Eric - 1st day of testing... is it supposed to be immediate testing or throughout the day.
Mel - it will be throughout the day.... they will be allowed to leave their unit to go do testing.
Eric - will it be by appointment....
Mel - i don't know that’s on the local
Bonnie - we haven't worked out that detail.... we do want staff to report to work. We don't know until we get there. We are asking to report to work area and have a better idea the day of.
Eric - anticipation operation problems
Bonnie - we are anticipation of that and can manage that situation
Eric - why the unvaccinated only getting tested are... vaccinated people can get it too....
Mel - it’s in the FAQ, general answer.... it’s about risk and the greatest risk of transfer.
The greatest risk is coming from unvaccinated. Mitigating the largest risk
Eric - is this CDC or MDH data
Mel - MMB or
Eric - can you find out....?
Mel - probably not but i can send them an email
Eric - only reason i ask is there are a lot of members who are upset about this. We have to ask
Mel - the policy came from the Gov. Office. Our job is to roll it out and follow it. There are questions I won't be able to answer.... we are following direction. Not trying to be dismissive and i don't know enough about the research. If asked direct people to the FAQ. I don’t even know who created the FAQ. I can send the link to this group. Available on the info link page. DCT has been running some FAQ that aren't answered in the agency FAQ as they are DCT specific. Heidi will send the link to the group.
2 Covid Protection Leave
Eric - the leave is it paid or unpaid
Mel - it’s a little bit of both. You have to use your sick leave. Once sick leave is exhausted
It is paid by the employer. Staff can use MFL and put in a covid code, so we know it’s compliant
Covid protection leave specific codes are being finalized and coming out. What is allowed for?
4 hrs. Of paid time (for those exhausted sick leave) for vaccination not reimbursing for transportation
8 hrs. For paid time and have a reaction
Mel - we have to follow standards... covid positive staff. Sick time, and we compensate for the remainder of the time. It does have financial limitations.
Will use own sick leave until fully exhausted then we would cover the rest
Eric - if you have a sick kid?
Mel- only for work exposure... will need to work through leave management options
3. Quarantine isolation wing
Eric - volunteers
Tim - i didn't ask... we could do that. I'll ask JR to ask for volunteers
Follow Up - Items
1. Inverse Numbers -
Tim: presented below numbers
1st Watch 21 Staff inversed for 50.67
2nd Watch 58 staff inversed for 243.25
3rd Watch 24 staff inversed for 101.50
Total inverse OT 395.42 hrs.
Total OT for August 1030.90
2. OT Numbers –
Operations and Health Services
111 Total OT Aug
(1) Inverse? Hrs. IDK assuming 8 hrs.
3. Health Services Staffing
Nick - Nikki recap meeting from the other day... if she comes in, she can add on. The HS splitting from (1) site at set ptere to (2) sites. Staffing Changes. (2) Additional LPN positions out there.
Health Services meeting in the next couple weeks.
4. Lead Leveling Process Update
Eric - where we at
Heidi - Denise out... some scheduling difficulties, they are working on getting feedback from Moose Lake
Eric - will you take the feedback and discuss
Heidi - yes, we will discuss
5. Time Book Training
Heidi - Denise out unexpectedly hasn’t worked on it....
Eric - any development... it’s a reoccurring agenda
Mel - She is out on leave....
Eric- it’s been on the agenda for about 3-4 months....
Mel - we are trying to manage me work and it’s something that’s going to get done quickly.
We are trying to manage things as we can with what we have.....can't guarant3e it’s a priority
Eric - hope discipline and coaching on time book won’t happen... new employees get thrown in
from baptism by fire.
Bonnie - we are taking into consideration on if they are a new employee
Troy - some timebooks not being done at all..... Need to look at that
Mel - we are challenged with number of people we have out on our team... and with
Mandates and priorities. We don't want to sound dismissive and want to get it moving
Ryan- think they were trying to work with staff development
Management Agenda Items
1. Shantz Unit Station Windows
Troy - we have a lead in Shantz putting together a proposal, how to get consistency to have it open. Some units keep them open and some don't open them that much. Asked we have them open 6 inches... 12 inches. When we are open for business, we should have them open. If we need to close them for confidentially, fine.
Eric - spoken to specific individuals
Troy- we haven't done an audit.... i think it’s something we can fix quick
Eric - if it’s a couple staff should talk to them septically and why aren’t supervisors following up... I’ve heard rumors about taking them out....
Troy - I’m willing to work with the operating supervisor
Nick - just reminding of the expectations...
2. Staffing Changes and Opportunities
Tim - Following up a little bit of the growth in CPS... the new positions are going through the processes. Security counselors and leads... counselor pcns shifting. From perimeter out to there.
Eric - where have the pcn's shifted from
Tim - from utility pool to out there... vacant pcs
Eric - You’re not gonna see a shift in operations
Tim - we have had 6 open for a couple years... this is phase 1. There will be more opportunities.
Eric - what is the numbers of management versus line staff?
Tim - Operating budget approved from the legislative level. 20 extra clients from phase 1,
Phase 2, and 3? Not sure when forensics will be moving out.
3. Staff Appreciation
Bonnie - we have had to cancel it for the 2nd year in a row. It breaks our heart to not be able to recognize. Ask your members if there is something, we could do to recognize them. 3-4 options and pick your desire... just putting out ideas very hopeful we can get back to normalcy.
4. UVBS Changes Coming
Bonnie - we have been looking at eliminating UVBS for routine. We have been looking at different options. Like a funeral, we would look at UVBS just not doing it routinely. Not random. We thought the reasonable suspicion covers us. There are some things we would look at.... history or phone conversation or staff have that feeling. They could contact the OD and say we have reasonable suspicion. Looking at discussing/changing this.