AFSCME Labor Management MSH
September 20th 2018 1230PM
Administration Building
Attendance: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Crystal Kreklow, Ryan Cates, Emilio Florez, Kurt Crosby, Steve Wilking, Scott Melby, Carol Olsen, Lisa Vanderveen, Scott Melby, Alli Kuhlman, Denise Considine, Michelle Chalin
Reflection/Celebration: Cates- haven’t heard anything about the radios this month. Stenger-Joint effort for what constitutes a tardy. Carol-Nursing home went through an MDH survey and nothing reflective of AFSCME. Melby-Skills fair going on this month regarding shield use. Staff have had positive reviews. Stenger-Good things with ICS refresher.
Standing Agenda Items:
- Osha Information-Handouts from Alli
- 2. Overtime Information-Handouts from Alli. Melby-struggled with atlas getting the information. I will try to have something next time. What are we interested in? Stenger-forced overtime. Melby-I will try to get that into a format we can all understand. Cates-Also an overall overtime report.
- 1. Shared Vacation in Transition-Michelle-talked with Becky and Blaschko at transition. And Jodi. Nursing home and transition work the same. They share 1 slot on weekends that can go to HSSS or LPN. Also, staffing work every other weekend. No rotating schedule. Cates-issue was LPN and HSSS share vacation pool but licensed differently so they can’t fill in. Carol-they can. HSSS can’t do the same work with licenses but the rest of the pool is doing direct care work. A year ago we talked about options. We don’t allow the one vacation on weekends. How do you want to manage this? No one is losing vacation hours. We have to cover and use that pool of people to do coverage and doesn’t always require a license. Cates-how many are in each program sharing the slot? Carol-I don’t know right now. Cates-this came form transition. Michelle-transition has 15 LPNs. HSSS are 15 of 16 filled. 2 vacation slots during the week.
- 2. Expense Reimbursement-Carol-still working on that. I reached out to finance in St. Paul asking to have same option as MSOP for debit card. They asked if they could see the policy. I reached out again and they are still examining it.
- 3. Hospital Coverage-Its not being tracked very well to where I could see when this is happening. There weren’t any incident reports either to tell me when we were having more or less staff. We looked at the policy. Staff can always call back to SOD saying the behavior needs another staff. Staff should report back if the hospital staff is not helping cover breaks and we will respond to that. TC and I have always responded to that. I will continue to look at what incidents require hospital. Cates-we are concerned with accusations and no defense to false accusations. Carol-yeah, that can happen anywhere. If that happens, we need to investigate that as always. Cates-well we never even go into a client room by ourselves. Carol-but you walk down the hallway. Cates-there are cameras. Kurt-this send terrible message to staff. You are being reactive rather than proactive. We are working for safe staffing. You are putting staff in a room for 8 to 16 hours. Something will happen. Maybe not yet but it will. Stenger-we have had a lot of things happen with patients who have a high security level. Carol-it isn’t always based on a security level, it’s also based on how they are doing. Kurt-is it true that patients are being taken off their meds so they don’t counteract? Carol-I wouldn’t say that happens all of the time, but there are times where doctors may say they need to take off the meds. If there are concerns we would up the staffing.
- 4. MSH Hiring Pool-Followed up with Jodi. She mentioned she had given accommodation in past but has been doing most senior since then. Cates-concern is if there is a process or an arbitrary? Alli-It will go by seniority. Cates-I don’t care what the procedure is as long as it’s fair. Melby-created to get people through training so weren’t so short staffed. In a position that’s a temp position then have to get them out of there. We give most senior ability to refuse and least senior is given that position. Carol-I thought fill the slots, most senior we have the slot, you are there. You could have someone sitting there. Marvin-you said those are temp…if it came to layoffs, are they in danger? Carol-No, it is a temporary work area but it’s a permanent employment. Marvin-I think most senior should just get the first available spot. Steve- I advocate most senior gets the first one. Marvin-unless there are two spots available at the same time. Crystal-so we have made an agreement that the most senior just goes. Carol-yes.
- 1. Security Services Supervisors should wear the uniform shirts they expect their employees to wear-Cates-reason they wear them is to distinguish from residential staff. Shouldn’t we then be able to distinguish difference between residential and security services supervisors. Carol-did you know that they were given choices? Cates-no. Carol-there was employee engagement for the shirt. Emilio-I had a conversation with TC and they gave the female staff a choice of the polo shirts but no choice to not wear them. Also said since they are business casual they couldn’t wear them. Many supervisors wear polos every day. Carol-my expectation is they wear business casual per policy. For the staff to wear the shirts makes sense to me just like nurses wearing scrubs. I will continue to consider but I really want my supervisors to wear business casual. Polos are allowed for them. Steve-nurses have a choice to wear scrubs or business casual so could security services be given a choice as well? No. Kurt-when staff leave, are the shirts given to another staff? Carol-yes. Just like physical plant is given high visibility jackets.
New Business
- 1.
- 1. Security Services days off-Cates-with the merger, they haven’t merged days off. Staff have concerns but I haven’t heard anything from security services. Also heard they are going to do it before cross trained. There is a lot of seniority on security services and not campus patrol. This would create problems for adequate coverage. How will the process work? Carol-this is something we will need to talk about. Steve-majority of seniority in campus security, it takes six weeks to train. There is a disparity in training for these two areas. You are going to have coverage when they can’t cover each other due to cross trained staff and this will create overtime. The dates of the merge were October 1 or November 1. In MSH we had a D day thing. When we are ready to put it together, let’s put it together instead of merging different things on different days. All one day. Vacation, schedule, coverage all in one day at once. Carol-clarity and do all at once? Steve-when everyone is trained.
- 2. RPA Dress Code-Cates-RPAs about business casual attire. They work with patients all of their shift every day. Their clothing wears out quickly and becomes expensive. Feel that they should have consideration for casual clothing. Melby-I talked to Tammy Rosburg and she has not heard about this. Has anyone talked to her? Cates-I don’t know but the ask is to be allowed to wear casual clothing. Stenger-we were told that they could change out of professional dress for activity but the problem is they are constantly covering activities.
- 1. Union access to nursing schedule-Cates-LPNs try to explain problems and want us to be able to see them. Can union officers view it? Carol-I don’t know enough but we can look into it. Carol-Is LPN and nursing all together? Stenger-I don’t know but they have access to ours.
- 2. LPNs getting vacation 12 months out-Cates-Only allowed 6 months out but they cover for RNs so asking to be the same. Contract language is vague but does allow for it. Stenger. Language is on 15 last paragraph. MNA can’t put in for a year out if it’s for a week. Carol-we need to research this one a little bit.
- 3. ATLAS overtime call in access-Melby-If someone wants to sign up they can contact scheduling. I know someone isn’t there all of the time but that is where we are right now. Kurt-I don’t think it says anywhere we can’t have sod sigh us up. Melby-the more people that have access to this, the more that can go wrong. People that sign up for the next day, I would like to use subsequent shift. Right now supervisors can’t do that. Crystal-at DCT last week, they will have licensing for app by end of October and functioning by end of the year. We pointed out there are things that cannot be accessed from the computer and he said he hadn’t heard of it. Get a hold of scheduling to sign up for overtime during the scheduling hours. Marvin-can we get a schedule of the scheduling hours so staff know? Stenger-we can stop by and ask Jodi
- 4. Kitchen slotted another staff in budget and have not received it-Carol-funding starts January 1st. last year we talked about how we did changes. I want to do that with the next 33 positions. I’m not sure this is still aligned with what we need or if there is a need somewhere else. I want to look at that before we decide to fill it. We need to reevaluate first. Stenger-they are looking to get a different schedule. They will be 1.5 FTE down. Jodi was looking into that and I haven’t heard back yet. When we moved to 10 hours shifts at MSH it cost us 17 positions. I told Jodi to put it together and if it comes back that we have the additional, I am not opposed.
- 5. Use sally port by carport to respond to ICS at nursing home-Kurt-we brought this up with response times. Responding from so far away and then have to go around. They are literally 100 yards if they can go through that garage area. TC said security breach. Melby-I haven’t heard this part but I will get more information and look into it.
- 6. Alli-Lead list sign up is posted
Adjourned at 123pm