MSOP Meet and Confer 01.12.23



St. Peter – HR Conference Room – Microsoft Teams

December 8, 2022

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Attendees:  Lynn Hart, Bonnie Wold, Scott Halvorson, Karen Holicky, Emily Samarzia, Michelle Breamer, Michelle Sexe, Troy Sherwood, Tim Lokensgard, Eric Hesse, Jamie Schwartz, Nicky Broder, Matt Stenger, Ryan Cates, Erin Wiederich, Eric Manriquez, Annie Jakacki





  1.  Inverse Numbers – Operations -Inversed -434.17
  2.  OT Numbers- Operations Vol. OT- 4078.58

      Security Counselor OT total= 4512.75

      Non-SC VOT- approximately 221

      Total OT-4733.75

      3. Vacancy Rates –St. Peter overall- 17.7% AFSCME-16.5% SC 20.1% SCL 10.3%

  1. Update on .5 part time staff- Hired one halftime employee and then they ended up going to Forensics. Management said they have another halftime applicant that is going to start in a few months in MSOP.  The second halftime spot went dead internally so trying to post it externally.  Labor brought up that this is showing there’s not as much interest in part time as management thought so asked if the halftime positions could be re-evaluated.  Management said they’re not in the business of keeping empty positions so will relook at the halftime positions if there continues to be no interest.
  2. Achievement Awards-109 achievement awards were awarded for forensics and only 4 achievement awards were awarded for MSOP, and they were all supervisors.  Labor asked if all supervisors are aware of the achievement awards. Management said they could do better at letting supervisors know about the achievement awards and the process of making nominations. Labor brought up that it would be a great opportunity for staff that are facilitating trainings, to get nominated for an achievement award. Labor brought up that is concerning when management asked to get that the MOU and then don’t nominate the AFSCME staff. Labor inquired about what the process is to nominate someone for an achievement award. Labor asked where the request goes after it is submitted.  Management said that the achievement award process is an MMB process, so management is doing more research to see if there’s a better way to track the nominations. Labor brought up that the contract says that employees may receive both an individual and team award. The DHS policy says only one award may be awarded to an individual during a fiscal year.  HR will investigate the policy and get it changed so that it follows contract language. 
  3. OT Bonuses -Labor wanted to clarify that weekend/day off bonuses ($50) are still around and would like supervisors to be made aware as there seems to be some confusion.



  1. Overtime Distribution-Management brought up that there are people signing up for overtime every day on every shift then don’t answer the phone or decline and there are others that don’t let the OD know that they’re not eligible to be inversed and some that are getting inversed then going home sick after a couple of hours.  Management would like labor to ask members to please be courteous with the OD’s time.   Please let the OD know when you can’t do overtime so they can take your name off the call list if you’re on vacation or days off and don’t have a way to remove your name from the list yourself.   Please also let the OD know when you’re not eligible to be inversed because Atlas isn’t always accurate when it populates and it takes time to refresh, etc.  Management then brought up that 8.5 hour may be a thing that might come up if this continues to happen because it allows for more time and shift overlap to take care of various issues like the ones mentioned above. Labor brought up if there was a reliable program that can be used at home so that they could un-sign up for overtime.   Management would like labor to please only sign up those shifts that you’re available to do overtime.  Labor brought up that it could fix itself because it could have been that people were signing up for lots because the bonuses around.  Labor also asked for management support in increasing the wages so that inversing and overtime wouldn’t be such an issue. 
  2. HR Updates-HR is going through more turnover, but they will maintain their current positions until the new people are hired and trained in to do the jobs to hopefully maintain the continuity of the job.
  3.  Health services- Health services has posted hours on doors/ windows when they will not be available to answer questions or requests.  These times have to do with medication passes and meeting with the doctors.  Please be respectful of the hours so that it helps them get their work completed with minimal errors.  The hours that health services are unavailable have been passed along to operation supervisors so that they will be passed along to others.  CPS times are different and are posted on the appropriate places.  



  1. WOOC Opportunities-Labor asked about the WOOC lead and if management is going to fill the second lead as a WOOC. Management said they are actively looking at that and will be posting it soon.  Labor inquired on why the WOOC Supervisor was not posted to anyone before it was awarded.  Management said it was a last minute WOOC Supervisor and they needed to fill it quickly.  There was a person that had done the job in the past and thus felt it was a natural fit for the situation at the time.  Management agreed that ideally it would be posting so that they can get the experience needed to qualify for Group Supervisor.  Labor asked about whether the minimum qualifications have changed for Group Supervisor since it was discussed with HR in past meet and confer meetings.  HR was unaware of any changes.
  2. Weather Related Call-Ins-No need to call in every two hours for weather related absences. Management would like the reminder that weather related call-ins can’t use sick leave and make sure it is specified as such when calling in.
  3. Quarantined Units and Procedures-The inconsistencies of quarantining units and the procedures for quarantining have been very confusing.  Management said to reach out to the share point site and the FAQ about the COVID procedures. 
  4. Units running short-Units are left with short staffing levels a lot.  Management said they will be checking into the trash compactor times and anything else that may help to alleviate the problem of leaving the units short staffed.