May 2019 MSH Meeting Minutes

AFSCME Labor Management MSH

May 16th 2019 1230PM

Administration Building


Attendance: Adam Castle, Marvin Sullivan, Crystal Kreklow, Emilio Florez, Matt Stenger, Steve Wilking, Ryan Cates, Lisa Vanderveen, Alli Kuhlman, Scott Melby, Roxanne Portner, Carol Olsen


Reflection/Celebration: Scott-temporary plan to shuttle staff has gone pretty well. Not perfectly but better than expected. Roxanne-RN and LPN had national nurse’s week activities. Cates-Emilio had knee surgery…..Carol-April was a really good month for seclusions and restraints. A large decrease due to our good staffing.

Standing Agenda Items:

  1. Osha Information-Handouts from Alli.
  2. 2.      Overtime Information-Handouts from Alli.

Old Business:


  1. 1.      Phones for hospital coverage: Marvin-haven’t heard back. Keep as follow up
  2. 2.      Hospital Coverage Breaks: Carol-will have 2 staff with patients at hospital. I will not write that into policy but we will manage so we have staff that can cover breaks. Instances with 2 clients, we will have 3 staff so one can move around. In instances with patients needing 2 staff, we will manage that accordingly.
  3. 3.      Vacation Granting/Shift in progress requests towards allotment: Roxanne-if someone requests vacation at 130 to remainder, it does count as full allotment, I talked to Jody. Marvin-why, when that is the overlapping period? Roxanne-I don’t know that is how it is. Marvin-I’m confused why we count it as a slot for the day. Steve-someone was taking last 30 mins of shift and counting as full day. Crystal-knowing this, are you looking at ways to work around that? It shouldn’t take the entire day, it is a hot commodity. Roxanne-I don’t know how often it happens. Marvin-overnights there are quite a few. I’m looking at that half hour overlap on days. Why count that? Carol-we can take it back and look at it. Marvin-I understand 4 hours but when it’s overlapping….
  4. 4.      Pay periods are posted with staff out on medical leave: Alli-we get stuck in system when the note says but then they go and get an extension. I don’t know if there is a way to avoid but we try to update as soon as possible after we get the note from medical practitioner. Roxanne-even if we expect it, we can’t put it in until we have the order. Marvin-is there a lag time? Roxanne-Jodi said if she posts the schedule. But the person doesn’t have an appointment for a couple days after, we can’t change the schedule. Alli-what happens is we are in a weird limbo because we have to base it on the medical order. We put them on the schedule expecting them back but then we get the note later than when the schedule is posted. We have to keep a spot for them. We can keep an eye on it.
  5. 5.      Transition NOC shift increase or separation of HSSS and LPN Vacation pool: Roxanne-night shift only has 4 LPNs and 8 HSSS so we cannot increase at this time. They have every other weekend off. Carol-they have greater flexibility at exchanging.
  6. 6.      Factory Sealed Items: Carol-policy is specific about food and beverages. Item was electric razor. Property policy is under review so I will take it back to that group. Scott-intent is to not say it needs to be factory sealed. Staff review. Steve-there is mass confusion amongst the varieties. In visit we know factory sealed then getting team requests saying they can bring in cake. Scott-what do we do? Homemade or Hy-Vee? Steve-it was store bought. We try to allow visits to happen in different locations. Some visits happen and bring in unsecured cake. You can open and look at it but that’s it. Many different things. DVDs. Pretty easy to burn a DVD and slap a label on it. Trying to do our best but then feel handcuffed with policy then it’s open to team discussion. Most of time with team request, it comes in. if its not, you allow it and hold on to it until team can see it or send it out. Visit policy with food and visit locations things have changed. Cates-brought up because there is confusion and wondering if there is a policy change.
  7. 7.      Construction Update: Carol-we will be occupying prairie view in mid-June. Move from forest view to prairie view to do updates in forest view. No more parking until construction is done. Moving all recreational vehicles to south lot to free up. 5 slots for 30 min parking to change to say until 130pm. Matt-where construction trailers sit, will those be a parking lot? Carol-yes. Cates-when will temporary walls be removed at MSH? Carol-projected to be done December 2019 with that side of the building. They got very delayed over by ATS. Projected to be done at end of this year. Next hurdle will be closing down master control to remodel in the future. Scott-these are well built walls though. Cates-what will happen to temporary hallways? Carol-it will come down. Roxanne-employment engagement group will be allowing family of staff to check it out on June 5th.
  8. 8.      Organizational Structure: Carol-Lisa’s group is still working on policies. List of open positions. When filled we can organize more fully. Lots of behind the scenes work to ensure things in place to minimize hiccups. Matt-rumblings about taking patients out to the creek side. Hickory we haven’t been doing it. Waiting another week or two. What do we do if they try to run out front door, etc.?
  9. 9.      Atlas Update: Roxanne-app being tested. Judy has created cheat sheet when it is available. Starting to expand test group to provide feedback. Problems with apple app. working on that. Crystal-for the MACS. Atlas on the mac was an issue? Roxanne-that has still been a problem. It has been working for PC. Has to do with the server. I have seen the app and it looks good but just want some more testing. Only available for some phones until we get the apple iPhone app going.



  1. 1.      LPN and RN Mutuals: Roxanne-no update or language to support the practice. We can’t allow it. Still discussions with DCT HR. Crystal-has not come up in negotiations because we don’t have it in other areas. Carol-its unique? Crystal-yes. Cates-you use backfilling with all of these. I talked to MNA and there is no language that prohibits it. Don’t see why the administration won’t support. Carol-we stand with we need language to support it. Crystal-we do things all of the time that is mutually beneficial why not this? Carol-I don’t think we do this across bargaining units. Crystal-it is not harming anything, it is making it easier. Roxanne-we need to have conversation with DCT HR. Crystal-Ok, then I would like to have a sit down meeting with everyone at the same table about this. Carol-sounds good.
  2. 2.      FTS Night Vacation Spot: Covered in old business

New Business:




  1. 1.      Grievance Issues: Cates-step 1s and 2s are just denied. Why wasting time to file these? Crystal-not even meeting on step 1s. Cates-almost pointless. Crystal-we used to get these taken care of at step one. Now we have all of these excuses. No conversations and things that were said are being changed. Roxanne-examples? Crystal-supervisor that Marvin talked to admitted he screwed up then we get into the meeting and changed his mind. Appear pointless. Marvin-get a call from step 2 supervisor and asks for any more info. Why waste my time. That isn’t a conversation. Steve-when we have issues whether it’s a meeting. We have communicated with Alli our concerns and go from there. Crystal-we are supposed to work together to have real conversations about things. These stopped happening. We are supposed to work in partnership. Lisa-we can do follow up with supervisors to talk through the meetings. Alli-I can have my team do that as well. Steve-when requesting information, a specific supervisor was dragging feet so I couldn’t file in accordance. They need to know that. Carol-we will get back to you on our actions.
  2. 2.      FTS NOC Issues: Marvin-we caught staff member that transferred over. When entered into atlas was 2010 that wasn’t correct and we got that fixed. Now concerned that she was getting vacation because she just started on January. Can we get scheduling to look to see if anyone got denied because of this? If someone got denied, they should be granted. Roxanne-I will look into that.
  3. 3.      Parking Issues: Cates-WTA concerned about going on break because they have to be shuttled. They have to take time to walk to their car. Matt-one option would be straight 8 shift while the parking lot. Scott-brainstorming here isn’t always the best. We want staff to be walking during daylight. If they come in and need their car to go on break. Take the car, go back and take shuttle. We still preserve goal that staff who need to leave at night can park. The regular campus shuttle is running. You can run in and call them. Carol-it does shorten your break. It is what it is for these 10 weeks. They can even get the phone number as they are walking. Don’t have to wait till you get to admin. Scott-let us know other things that come up too. I’m worried when people in training start showing up for OJT shifts, there will be a pinch.
  4. 4.      Nepotism: Steve-I understand that Patty Kelos daughter was hired as GMW. Patty is supervisor. I understood that the daughter reports to Adam Spector then go to Scott burg. Adam is being supervised by patty. That is an indirect supervision of the daughter. Cates-co workers will find out about this and feel uncomfortable in many different ways. Carol-we have same concerns. It was ran through ethics division not on this campus and didn’t feel it was an issue. Marvin-so we are supposed to tell our staff that it’s ok? Matt-one of our GMWs applied for the same position and was told he can’t because his mother is working there. Carol-that happened? Well, all I can say is that it was approved by the ethics division. Crystal-it can also put him in an awkward position if he has to discipline the daughter. Carol-I understand that but it was approved before the hire by the ethics office. Crystal-what’s that number?
  5. 5.      AODS and Shift in Progress Distribution: Cates-lack of consistency on how it was handed out. Some say since there is an inverse, they will not give out to anybody even though there are 7 people on a unit. Even on the overlap. Marvin-they put a message on Lync saying no shift in progress so they will get a lot of calls because of that. Majority on late shift. Matt-takes 5 staff to run hickory and north. If we have 6 on hickory and someone calls, they won’t give it but if someone calls in sick, they will take form hickory to cover. Scott-the place is so big, many times the shift works and sometimes it doesn’t. I will do what I can to clean it up.

Add On:

  1. 1.       Cameras used by BMT and safety committee: Cates-told they are reviewing footage of every incident? Lisa-there was one they were reviewing to determine triggers and functioning for the plan. Cates-do they ever run footage and second guess staffing actions? Carol-we reviews and try to find opportunities for improvement. Absolutely. Cates-has is led to investigations? Carol-to say it never happens would be a lie. To say we are looking for staff doing something wrong would be a lie. Marvin-also an issue of other bargaining units looking at it when they aren’t involved. Scott-we really use video when someone gets hurt. That is primary function to learn to stay safe. If we learn something about policies, we learn as well. We try to be careful. It’s a tool for improvement. As for 2nd guessing, the most comes from your colleagues. Marvin-bring some of the people that were involved to look over it at the same time. Carol-we have talked about that. We also don’t want to dramatize it as well. Roxanne-a lot of times staff don’t even recall it the same way. Crystal-should be more of a confidential process. Scott-we agree. Hindsight is 20/20. Roxanne-we have other regulatory agencies who look at it as well. Carol-Licensing will also ask to look at video. We will look at if first so we can take an action before they see it and make a decision. Scott-video only shows part of the story. Good report writing helps a lot.  

Adjourned at 130pm