General Membership Meeting-AFSCME 404
July 18, 2019
3PM Jake’s Pizza-Mankato
Adam Castle, Emilio Florez, Ryan Cates, Crystal Kreklow, Marvin Sullivan, Jamie Sheppard, Antonino Guerrero, Steve Wilking, Stacy Mueller, Kurt Crosby, Hans Paulson, Jake Schoenecker, Tammy Curtis
1. Secretary Report:
Motion to approve June meeting minutes by Adam Castle, 2nd by Marvin Sullivan . Motion passes
2. Treasurer-Antonino Guerrero:
State Negotiations Accounted for $9268.33 of expenses
SAVINGS: $ 80019.84
SUBMITTED BY: Antonino Guerrero
Motion to approve Treasurer Report subject to audit by Kurt Crosby subject to audit. 2nd by Marvin. Motion passes
3. Correspondence: Cates-Send members to Delegate Assembly in St. Paul. This meeting is to go over the new contract and talk about what the Council recommends. More information about what is in the contract will also be available. Mileage and lost time motion by Kurt. 2nd by Marvin. Motion Passes
MSH Meeting Minutes:
MSOP Meeting Minutes:
4. New Business: Last month we approved Quikbooks. Eboard recommends up to $500 for a laptop for the treasurer to use the software. Motion by Stenger, 2nd by Jake. Motion Passes
Cates, Molly, and Eric went to St. Paul to talk about funding positions. Last year they asked the union to help lobby for more money to fund positions. They got the money and now they say they don’t have the positions anymore. They added to managerial positions instead. This is the 2nd time this has happened. 30 positions were delegated for St. Peter. The union is open to ideas and suggestions about what to do. Send any ideas to Molly Kennedy or Ryan Cates.
5. Old Business:
6. Items from the membership:
7. Good and Welfare: 2 Members have retired
8. Officer Reports:
President: Ryan Cates- Attended Forensic Meet and Confer-
We asked about organizational restructuring and what it would mean for LPN work locations- Management stated that nurses are not assigned a unit now, they have a work area and the groves will now be their work area.
We brought up the numerous problems our members have had filing FMLA paperwork- Management says it is above them. Council 5 will push the issue at a higher level.
We laid out why we believe it is a terrible idea to place patients on a 1:1 when they are assaultive.
We asked about the organizational restructuring and what effect it would have on coverage, OT, inversing and vacation- Management claimed that nothing will change for FSSS’s, it will be program wide and LPN’s will work within a grove.
We asked what the plan is for Willow after unit movements- Management is not sure.
Went to an MSOP Legislative Funding Meeting at DHS. MSOP administration was not honest with us about their budget request and what the money was going to be used for. At this meeting they told us this, although they did not admit it and tried to place the blame on their underling.
Went to Financial Responsibility Training.
Attended Weekly check-ins.
Attended MSOP Meet and Confer.
Filed multiple grievances and sat investigations.
Talked with members in multiple work areas and listened to their concerns.
Presented and argued grievances.
Talked to members about the tentative agreement on the new contract. Explained the good and the bad points of what was agreed upon.
Became frustrated with management.
Communicated information to E-Board members about issues facing the Local.
Chaired the Executive Board Meeting
Chaired the General Membership Meeting.
VP: Matt Stenger- This month I have filed 5 grievances for members. We have gotten two settlements that the employees were in favor of one denial and waiting to present the other two. I have also attended the weekly check in meetings and Rochester/Saint Peter Meet and Confer, Safety meeting, Interest based problem solving meeting, MSOP Meet and Confer, MSH Meet and Confer.
VP: Eric Hesse-
Executive Board: Jake Schoenecker- Continue to support members with investigations and attend meetings.
Executive Board: Chief Steward Emilio Florez- Our meeting at Rochester went well. We were able to meet with staff and get out some shirts to our CBHH members afterwards. I’m still out of work but have been attending meetings I hope to be back this month. I have also been working with our stewards and officers who are helping keep up with the work while I’m off. That’s all I have to report this month.
Emilio Florez III
AFSCME LOCAL 404 | Chief Steward
Work: 507-985-2121 | Cell: 507-382-2917
Executive Board: Chief Steward Steve Wilking- Greetings!
Since my last report I’ve continued to cover Emilio as he was out with a medical concern. I continue to attend weekly check-ins, meet and confer, interest based problem solving and safety meetings. I also field many calls in regards to union questions. Please feel free to continue asking questions. An informed membership is a great thing.
The tentative agreement on the contract will be put out to the General Membership to vote on. Look for the voting time and locations for that. Continue staying informed via the following platforms of General Membership meetings/notes, member link, Facebook page and continue to contact your local union officers to find out what’s happening.
In Solidarity,
Steve Wilking
Chief Union Steward
AFSCME Local 404
Executive Board: Chief Steward Molly Kennedy- This month we continue to monitor short staffing in MSOP especially in CPS. Eric, Ryan, Crystal and I attended a meeting in St. Paul to discuss the money that was given to MSOP in the legislative session and in the last labor management meeting management told us that money is to fund the last couple years of CPS and pay for CPS going forward. When AFSCME went to lobby for this money we were told it was to fund the 30+ unfunded positions and after they received the money they said that wasn’t going to happen. More to come on this issue!
I sat 2 investigations and attended Negotiations assembly. Please go to [email protected] and sign up so that you can see what our Tentative Agreement is. We will be voting on this in August.
In solidarity,
Molly Kennedy
Chief Steward MSOP
Executive Board: Chief Steward Marvin Sullivan-
Executive Board: Jamie Sheppard- I have attended MSOP Meet and Confer, E-board meeting and the General Membership meeting this month. I will also be attending the negotiations assembly in Minneapolis this week to decide whether or not we are sending the contract through. More to come on that in the near future.
Jamie Sheppard, E-Board
CS Facility Support: Stacey Mueller- Been on Vacation
Chief Steward MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Kurt Crosby- I have was on vacation for an extended time and wish to apologize to anyone who was trying to get a hold of me during that time. I am following up on several grievances that have been left out there and lost in the shuffle, so hopefully we can get those won and move forward. I have been working with staff to try and get a better understanding of the contract proposal for master, and I was also involved in the supplemental negotiations for our local. I will be heading up to the cities to get the final contract information and will be involved in the voting process at that time as well.
I have accepted a lead position on Tamarack starting in August, but want to assure anyone on NOCS that I will be here and do everything I can to represent you in any way that I can.
Crystal Kreklow: We are losing membership at a more rapid rate. Overall is 75 percent. The budget the council set was for 80 percent. If we don’t get to 80 percent the council has to layoff field staff. Met with management about addendum. They don’t agree to bring it back but are open to changing the language. Do not sign the position description addendum, DO the CBT.
Motion to Adjourn by Adam Castle, 2nd by Molly. Motion Passes
Meeting adjourned at 427pm