General Membership 12/15/22

General Membership Meeting-AFSCME 404

December 15, 2022



Erin Wiederich, Ryan Cates, Steaed Doehring, Annie Jakacki, Cory Moon, James Kibler, Matt Stenger, Shannon Tim, Dan Hauger, Antonino Guerrero, Tom Keck, Eric Manriquez, Sherry, Karla, Tina

My apologies for anyone that I missed via zoom.

1.Secretary Report:

Motion to approve meeting minutes by Erin Wiederich. 2nd by Eric Hesse. Motion passes.

2. Treasurer-Antonino Guerrero:






SAVINGS: $ 152325.38

SUBMITTED BY: Antonino Guerrero

Motion to accept subject to audit by Erin Wiederich.  2nd by Eric Manriquez. Motion passes.

3. Correspondence: 

4. New Business: 1.  More vacation slots were asked about in forensics due to earned comp time that was calculated.

2. Asked about hospital coverage sign up in forensics to be done in Atlas.

3.  The COVID leave was discussed on how that will be handled in the future. 

4. How much vacation is rescinded after the posting was also discussed within the forensic program.

5. What classifications can be pick up overtime in forensics.  If OASI do the 4-hour refresher course of TSS then they can do the overtime.

6. Going to river’s edge for cares after getting hurt at work.  Members can go wherever they want.

7. Cameras and monitors in the views (forest and prairie) were discussed at the meet and confer in forensics.  They are ordered but not here yet.

8. Unfilled shift bonus- FMHP management seems more supportive then MSOP.

9. SC/SCL days off changing- there will be no change at this time.

10. SCL pay mix up. Labor put the solution of step increase be held until the state recoups their money.

11. LPN that have been forced to HSSS spots on NOCs in transitions and nursing home.  Union is the stance of no job classes should be filling other job classes.  Overtime is getting taken from job classes.  Start filing grievances.

12. Art tools in grove A at FMHP that should be put as controlled items.  Management agrees with that decision and will follow up.

13. Curtains are still being debated in Prairie View in FMHP.

14. Lobby Weeks are Feb. 14 and March 20 specifically Monday thru Thursday of those two weeks so get vacation if you’d like to attend. Let union officials know if there’s a problem getting time off.  Motion to pay for mileage and per diems for lobby weeks made by Erin Wiederich. Seconded by Ryan Cates. Motion passes.

5. Old Business:

1. Reminder for Delegates January 27. If any delegate has a problem getting the time off, then let Annie know. Delegates for Assembly that were elected were the following: Eric Hesse, Jake Schoenecker, Jamie Schwartz, Steve Wilking, Eric Manriquez, Ryan Cates, Steaed Doehring, James Kibler, Antonino Guerrero, Ron Herda, Matt Stenger, and Nick Durham. Alternates will be Toby Leonard, Ben Zarn, Cory Moon

2. Motion to table the per diem increase until January made by Erin Wiederich. Seconded by Eric Manriquez  

6. Items from the membership:

1. Grove A Holidays schedules aren’t getting filled and it’s going to result in inversing. Scheduling is going to investigate it more and see what can be done. They hadn’t been called out yet for overtime.

7. Good and Welfare:

8. Officer Reports:

President: Ryan Cates- This past month I have…

 Attended Forensic Meet and Confer- Notes are attached to the meeting minutes.

 Attended MSOP Meet and Confer- Notes are attached to the meeting minutes.

 Filed multiple grievances and sat investigations.

 Talked with members in multiple work areas, answered their questions and listened to their concerns.

 Presented and argued grievances.

 Communicated information to E-Board members about issues facing the Local.

We continue to push for changes to the vacation process in FMHP, that will allow more members to take vacation when they want to.

  If any member of Local 404 feels they are not being represented by our Union, please let me know. We cannot fix problems if we do not know there is a problem.

 We ask that all members who are interviewed as non-subjects in an investigation, request Union representation. If management refuses, then members should refuse to answer questions. Participation in investigations is completely voluntary and they cannot coerce you to answer their questions. We need to do this to compel management to discontinue their practice of refusing to allow Union representatives into investigations.

VP: Matt Stenger-

VP: Eric Hesse-

Executive Board: Chief Steward- Rick Pitts-

Executive Board: Chief Steward - Eric Manriquez- 

Executive Board: Chief Steward Nick Weerts-

Executive Board: Chief Steward Marvin Sullivan-

Executive Board: Chief Steward James Kibler- This month I attended Meet and Confer where we discussed many difficult issues that our members continue to face. I filed and presented multiple grievances at various steps. Have been attempting to hit the units and talk with the membership in an attempt to activate and inform. I’ve had multiple members show interest in attending the next steward training just need a date. Hoping to try to catch the membership up with what we’ve been working on heading towards contract negotiations.


Executive Board: Chief Steward Cory Moon--Fielded questions by members

-discussed issues to leadership regarding grove-A and safety issues as well as staffing.

-Attended meet & Confer

-Won 1 step 3 grievance and lost 1

Executive Board: Chief Steward Steve Wilking-

Executive Board: Jamie Schwartz- I attended MSOP Meet and Confer and NEO this month. I have been answering a lot of questions from our members. I have also been made aware of several members receiving coachings on some pretty petty things. I understand coachings are not grieveable, but I feel like this needs to be brought forward to management when morale is already at an all-time low. Gigging staff on petty stuff that is not in violation of any policy is simply ludicrous. As well as turning your fellow co-workers in by assuming something with no actual facts to back it up is even worse. Management loves nothing more than to see us turn on each other. WE need to do better!

Jamie Schwartz, E-board

Pexton 2 North Lead

Executive Board: Mike Hohenstein-

Executive Board: Steaed Doehring-For the Month of December.

I presented at New Member Orientation, Attended the MSOP Labor Management, E-Board and General Membership Meetings. We are actively trying to get DCT leadership to continue the unfilled shift bonus until they do something about our high vacancy rates. I have also been working on an inequity proposal for Security Counselors.


Motion to adjourn by Eric, 2nd by Steaed. Motion Passes

Meeting Adjourned at 11pm