9/17/15 MSH Meeting Minutes

Mike Homer, Tim Headlee, Marvin Sullivan, Matt Stenger, Ryan Cates, Amanda Mathiowetz, Molly Kennedy, Michelle Chalin, Jennifer Frew, Cindy Jungers, Carol Olson, Scott Melby, Colleen Ryan, Tom Christensen, Rochelle Fisher, Tom Kolstad

1. Overtime Sign Up
a. Have completed the project modifying the electronic sign up. The seniority number has been converted to year, month, day, and lot draw. This will be easy to modify and change. Tim Headlee was a part of this project with the scheduling department. There is a memo prepared that will go out to the members most likely September 18th.
b. The CBT training was cleaned up for overtime sign up and was placed on Pathlore Learning Center.
c. The changes will begin October 7th. Hopeful that CRP and some other programs will adapt to this on the schedule as well.
2. Dress Code Policy
a. The target being worn by AFSCME and other bargaining units does go against policy. Management stated that they do not want to start investigations because of this. Carol stated that she will get a communication out. She stated that we all want safety and all want to engage in how we make this a safe environment. Carol said that she understands staff are trying to get a message across but we need to follow policy.
3. Townhall Meetings
a. The agenda has been posted along with diagrams of how movement will go throughout the construction project. Carol said that if any units would like Scott Melby or herself come answer any questions or talk about the construction they would be happy to. The diagrams are just the first draft so any other suggestions are welcomed. Management is making a list of all things we need to consider and need staff suggestions.
b. Transition’s meeting is today and the Nursing Home will be September 22nd.
c. Staff Appreciation will be Wednesday, September 23rd. They will be recognizing years of service.
4. Rx Connect
a. September 18th at 9am we will be moving forward with Rx Connect on Avatar. The Pharmacy has entered prescriptions in for each patient and will be doing so all weekend long. There is more detailed information on the iNet. This is a major enhancement to the Avatar program.
1. Main Kitchen – Awarding Bids and days off
a. When the last bid was awarded in the Main Kitchen to an employee the employee could not receive an answer as to what days off they would have. Mike Homer spoke to Human Resources about this and it should be taken care of.
2. Main Kitchen – Vacation
a. Clarification: Vacation should be posted for 10 days, not 7.
b. AFSCME spoke of a specific situation where the vacation request was held for 10 days but the supervisor waited until the day after the schedule was out so then the request would go by known needs. AFSCME relayed the message that members in this department are beginning to feel this is done on purpose. There have been a lot of vacation request that have been held until the last day. Matt Stenger stated that the Kitchen has 1 spot of vacation so this is essentially taking away vacation. Further follow up needed.
3. Main Kitchen – Holidays
a. When it comes to .8 employees, they should be scheduled holidays by seniority.
b. Molly Kennedy stated that in MSOP and MSH there is a sign-up sheet for employees that want a holiday off. This seems to be working well in both areas.
4. Scheduling Software and access to all schedules
a. When a staff is inversed or looking to mutual it would be nice to be able to see Campus Security, Control Center, and overnight’s schedules. Right now an employee can only view a schedule they are on. Matt Stenger said that it has helped in MSOP having a paper copy of all schedules posted in the front locker room. Tom Christensen was opposed to this idea. He said that right now they use a daily worksheet. Molly Kennedy mentioned that there is the Facebook page for those in MSH looking to get rid of an inverse or those wanting to pick up overtime. Management thought that that was a great idea. Jennifer Frew said that they would continue to brainstorm ideas on their end.
5. Supervisor Files
a. There is a specific incident where there was a letter of expectations put in an employee’s Supervisor File for sick usage. AFSCME stated that this employee does not abuse her sick time and was not used as a discipline so they would like it removed. Cindy Jungers stated that the practice she is familiar with is for the employee to request that this be removed after the 1 year mark. Cindy said that they can take it case by case and that it seems appropriate to request more conversation. Management stated that they would educate supervisors on this.
6. Leads having weekends off
a. AFSCME asked why leads cannot have Saturday/Sunday off especially in areas like Bartlett. There are not enough leads to make it applicable to have a lead every shift. Scott Melby said he will take a look at it. Scott stated that one thing he is looking at is for B1S and the B1S- wing collaborating more. Scott said that he wants to get the most he can out of the lead staff. This is one way to make sure more experienced personnel are on the unit rather than those who are not as experienced.
7. FNH Radio Usage
a. AFSCME said that they are worried about members being disciplined for keying in and cutting off radio transmissions. They are trying to clean this up internally. AFSCME said that they would like to avoid investigations and would like to work together. Radio transmissions being cut off has been happening more and more. Some radios have been identified for cutting off transmissions. If you know of someone who does this, please remind them not to.
b. Michelle Chalin said that when staff need assistance they need to radio for it. Sometimes the assistance is urgent and is alarming so the transmission comes out loud. She said that the staff at the FNH are working on their radio etiquette. AFSCME said that they will send out an email on radio etiquette because this is an item that needs to be reviewed regularly.
c. Michelle Chalin said that the FNH are testing out different radios. They would have an in house radio along with the normal radio which would be used for ICS scenarios only. There is another radio coming to test out.
8. Evacuating Sunrise
a. MSH is not evacuating Sunrise at this time. MSH still has Med Core, the Lab, the area where groups occur and visits, and the Café. The west wing has been evacuated and moving towards evacuating the south wing. Currently working out details moving into Tomlinson. The group rooms where visits occur will continue to happen until all of MSH moves to upper campus. This may roughly be October/November of 2016.
b. With construction it will take a lot of time and there is a lot of information. If there are any questions please reach out to Rochelle, Scott Melby, Tom Christensen, or Carol Olson. Management said that there is nothing secret to what they are doing. They are trying to get print outs. There is a lot of detail in one drawing. Carol said she will keep putting things out on the SharePoint site as things change.