Present: Scott Grefe, John Collins, Molly Kennedy, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Charles Johnson, Sharon Nourie, Colleen Ryan, Larry TeBrake, Tom Christensen, Michelle Chalin
Old Business:
1. Safety
• Current injury numbers- 7 Security Counselors were injured in May, 0 in CRP.
• There are currently 8 Security Counselors on LOA or IOD status.
• Raul from NASMHPD stated that these are the lowest numbers he has seen in the country.
2. SOFS Budget / plans /OT tracking
• The budget was discussed at the Joint Labor Management meeting that was held prior to this meeting. Possible shutdown, layoff letters, and the process for determining who is a critical employee were discussed. Upon recommendation from the Governor a Special Master/Judge will determine critical employees and a second letter will be sent out. Please visit and the AFSCME Council 5 website to see frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) such as vacation use, unemployment eligibility, and insurance benefits. Contractually employees that have 3 years or more of service are eligible for 6 months insurance. Staff will get an invoice around the 3rd week of July with additional instructions. DO NOT ignore this letter.
3. Vacation / Holidays Unit based Process
• Mutuals for all units are now being tracked on Schedule Anywhere.
• Vacations for NOCS will be in Schedule Anywhere within the next 2 weeks.
4. Space utilization issues and CRP
• Unit 300 is expected to move to Bartlett hall the week of June 20th. Physical Plant is working on issues with security window screens, tunnels, and courtyards. The minimum is expected to increase to 4 earlies, 1 MID, and 4 lates- possibly 4-1-3. This adds 3.4 FTE’s. The team will look at the unit before deciding. Collaboration between B1S, B2S, and B2N is also being looked at. Re-assignment language will allow displaced S1W staff into these positions.
• The new admissions unit is looking at staffing of 4 earlies and 4 lates.
5. Posting of positions during transition of units
• Re-assignment language will allow displaced S1W staff into these positions. All vacancies will be figured out and posted.
6. Nursing inversing procedure
• Colleen Ryan, Chuck Carlson, and Nancy Draves will arrange a meeting to discuss.
7. New org. chart
• The MSH org chart is now in place. YAAP and SNS will be different with 1 supervisor.
8. CRP Job Audit
• The job audit was completed- Larry will check with Nancy Draves on the report results.
9. OT with VAC scheduled
• Management has been given the direction that if staff is on vacation they are not supposed to be working. This does not include days off- only normal working days scheduled vacation. Colleen and Michelle stated that nursing and nursing home staff as well as MSOP and transition are allowed to work OT when scheduled vacation. Management will discuss and get back with clarification.
New Business:
1. NASMHPD visit
• Raul, Brian, Joan and 2 peer support people will return on August 2nd and 3rd visiting with both patients and staff.
2. SPRTC Centennial Celebration-
• The committee has recommended postponing until the week of September 20th.
3. New hires/Intermittents
• 5 new Security Counselors have been hired.
• Discussion about bumping to nights requirements being 6 months, off probation or looked at case by case.
• The bid award process is now in place but is questionable if it is moving things faster.
• Intermittent staff that does not fit the needs of the facility and are not interested in working will be let go as they are holding positions that could be filled.
• The Unit 800 Supervisor position will be announced soon.
Management Issues: None
Meeting adjourned at 1:32pm