1/18/18 MSH Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Crystal Kreklow, Ryan Cates, Michelle Chalen, Ahli Kuhlman, Scott Melby, Carol Olsen, Zack Sowieja, Lisa Duchene



  1. Scott-A couple of days without overtime on one shift. Not a lot of vacation right now and reduction in one to one. Carol-Security services and physical plant managing construction well. No incidences with patients.

Standing Agenda Items:

  1. Osha Information-2 Handouts from Ahli
  2. Overtime Information-2 Handouts provided by Ahli Kuhlman

Old Business

  1. Dress Code/Weekly Check in-Crystal-404 election today and we will know who new president will be. Looking at mid-week. Want president and vice president and myself to be involved in these check ins. We would like to start process when we know who will be involved. Dress Code-push back from wade is that its supervisory discretion. They are having to wear business casual and getting crud on their clothes. We are asking to go back to casual. Since it is at discretion we can change this here to clothes more fitting. RPA’s are designated to run activities told by supervisor that they have to be in bus casual for activities then change back. Asked to change every hour because the constant activities. This blanket dress code isn’t working. It makes no sense to have this and constantly change clothes. Allowed to wear athletic wear. Carol-I will follow up. I have talked to Shawn a couple times. The expectations isn’t for WTAs to do the work. It’s for the clients to do the work. All of that clothing you brought in would meet the policy. Crystal-no, black jeans. Carol-yes it would meet. And the shoes. We are providing aprons. Shawn said its going fine. Not hearing anything from his staff. They were dressing bus casual and not bringing anything to his attention. Crystal-they weren’t saying anything because they knew we were working on it. Our direction was to follow the policy in the meantime. Carol-any color of denim allowed except blue jeans. It’s well defined.


  1. Construction Update: Carol-Make sure to read construction Joe. Next week using temporary walls to separate areas during construction.
  2. AFSCME Vacation Granting Process: Crystal-we have concerns the way she is doing it because it violates contract. Carol-I’m referring to approved/denied vacation based on availability. Crystal-Corrections has an entire process. Set up vacation work group with Ryan and matt. Whoever you choose on your side. Talked to Jodi about how they set it up in corrections. It’s difficult in 24 hour facilities. Shared it with the guys and we have questions. Ryan and Matt are for us, figure out who you want and send out an invite. That way we can come up with a standardized process. Carol-I’ll work with Ahli and Jodi. When you talked to Jodi, she said what she’s doing so no piggy backing. Crystal-both ways she is breaking contract. If there is something super egregious we can talk about that but in the meantime, we can meet about how to fix it together.



New Business:


  1. Supervisor Rounding Process-Carol-safety culture survey we ranked low on this campus. In doing review we are going to roll out process. Start with carol rounding with my direct reports and they will round with theirs. Meet with employees at least once a month. What’s working well and if there is someone to recognize? Questions? Training? Anything else? This is opening up conversations and the next time we meet we can close the loop on these any other suggestions. Important for everyone to know. It’s a purposeful way to open communication. Hasn’t started yet. It will probably be 4 to 6 months.
  2. Commissioner Visit to Campus on 1/23/18. Carol-coming with reporter about phase 2 construction. Afternoon invite to vets for coffee at Tomlinson for MSOP and MSH.
  3. Assignment of staff to different units with the new scheduling Software. Scott-new software we have ability to tell it that a person needs to cover different units, it does not say a unit. Be aware it’s a small change. It is not a person in particular. The system chooses it. If staff see their name and know they have other duties to complete first, contact the OD and they can take care of it by picking someone else. Not sure on how they will choose. We want to make sure it isn’t always the same person. Its arbitrary and trying to be fair. If you have suggestions, we would like those. We don’t want it to always be new staff. Crystal-why not least senior? Scott-we can look at the ability of the software but not sure if it can. Crystal-if someone feels they are chosen a lot, we could maybe try this if possible. Scott-looking at late February roll out. Still in testing. I can see what our options are. We need this to manage but I’m sure there will be issues and we can look at those as they arise.
  4. Lead Process: Zack-Issue at MSOP St. Peter. We went back with management to look at process. We decided once a bid has had interest, and the bid closes. The most senior will automatically get it. Matt-are you going to honor the language of trial period? Zach-yes we will do that. Cates-If they email and say they don’t want it will that work? Zach-yes that is fine. Crystal-how will this info be given about the new process? Zach-email to lead list will be bolded and highlighted 2 to 3 times. We can add in that you also have the ability to email and say if you want to take out your name also. We will start doing this tomorrow. Every position will be given out this way. In the first email when the position is available. Crystal-can you send out something in advance instead of that? Zach-Ok, that would be pretty easy, I can do that today.
  5. Carol-Establishing a supervisor on duty office. Idea has been that scheduling office will take sick calls and work with the SODs and would like to start that with dietary area February 21st. small work pool and will allow us to try this out. We have scheduling office fully staffed finally.


  1. Hospital Coverage with one staff: Cates-complaints about running one staff, no breaks, bathroom. Scott-I didn’t know that happened recently. We don’t decide lightly. Expectation is that if you need to do this, you alert the hospital security to help out. Carol-this occurs proactively when we notify the hospital. Scott-staff has a cell phone. Call the OD as well for communication about these issues and if a patient is getting better, etc.
  2. Break times for staff working a double shift: Cates-OD said because of ICS, they were unable to use their 15 minute break between. Cates-if it’s on the unit that’s fine but if it’s in the building, no reason. Scott-I will follow up on this. How many were affected. Cates-2.


Add Ons:

  1. WRA/WTA Dress Policy:
  2. Weekly Check in:
  3. Overtime for control center:
  4. CRP Mid shift inverses:
  5. 5.    LPNs: Crystal-We had a meeting yesterday with 11 takeaways.
    1. LPNs are being inversed into HSSS even though we have a written agreement to follow same guidelines not to.  Agreement in September that it was established how to do this. It’s happening again. Jan 11 and pay period before that, same staff. RNs call in sick, LPN being inversed. I would like a data request to see how often this is happening.  Michele-we may at times have different RNs. May have to do with licensing. RN’s coming in to get their bonus for 2 hours to get their bonus and leaving. LPNs getting stuck with the rest of it. They are taking advantage of this.
    2. LPN and HSSS in same vacation pool. They say we combines so they get more days off. Zach-they can be in same vacation pools. Crystal-they shouldn’t be though. Zach-as long as it’s a business stand on it but contractually there is nothing wrong with that. Crystal-but it’s not working so this has come up over and over. Carol-this works from a business perspective. Cates-LPNs are complaining and we can’t keep LPNs. Something to look at. Carol-yeah, we can look at it.
    3. c.    Crystal-we are doing a regular meeting with LPNs to take care of a lot of this.
    4. Cates-CRP being inversed. Needs known from 8 to 4s being used to cover the 2 hours between 2 and 4. Saying they are saving money but saying the need was known. Carol-we likely don’t have a need till 4 or 430. Matt-no, you are waiting. Carol-so we are one short when the 2 o clock person leaves we need to fill that. Matt-but it’s a known need so it should be given to least senior staff. Cates-we have won this in MSOP. Carol-we will look at it but its valued on where we are short. Matt-if we can get resolved we would like to see mid shifts gone. Carol-yeah but this works for business needs. We have used mid shifts forever. Contractually we can adjust shifts by 2 hours. Operationally it works best to have heavy staffing during that time. Matt-there is no 2 hour adjustment period. Zach-since there is now language in contract that speaks to that, which means management can adjust if it’s silent. Crystal-can you just take a look at that in last few months.
    5. Security Services Overtime:-Scott-working on process where sec services can be capable and qualified overtime work on the unit. We aren’t ready yet. I think it can be done, just haven’t yet. I need to connect with Brian and TC. I would like next month but can’t guarantee. I am asked a lot.  We just haven’t had time. I want to come up with something that is fair. Make sure everyone is familiar and can do everything other staff do. Crystal-why can’t we open up the overtime while you figure out a process since they know what they are doing and have done it? Scott-fair question but I don’t have an answer. I will look into it. I don’t want to do anything haphazardly.
    6. Carol-OSI in CRP building: this someone who has been doing things during work hours which is seen as different role. He is capable and qualified. We have a right to assign him there. Matt-how can we do that but we don’t allow overtime for security services. Carol-what he is doing is driving clients. He has done this work forever, it’s not offered as overtime.  When people are capable and qualified, management has the right to assign. We will maintain it. He has maintained avatar and attending regular meetings. He is entrenched as a member of that team. Scott-we want to make sure people are prepared to work on the unit. We want them to be safe and not be held responsible for not knowing the new variance.
    7. 6.    Adjourned at 133 pm